LM565CN ,Phase Locked LoopLM565/LM565C Phase Locked LoopMay 1999LM565/LM565CPhase Locked Loopn 0.2% linearity of demodulated ..
LM565H ,Phase Locked LoopElectrical Characteristics= =AC Test Circuit, T 25˚C, V ±6VA CCLM565 LM565CParameter Conditions Uni ..
LM566 ,LM566C Voltage Controlled OscillatorApplicationsThe LM566CN is specified for operation over the 0§CtoYFM modulationa70 C temperature ra ..
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LM566CN ,LM566C Voltage Controlled OscillatorLM566CVoltageControlledOscillatorFebruary1995LM566CVoltageControlledOscillatorYHigh temperature sta ..
LM567 ,Tone DecoderApplicationsquency of the decoder. External components are used toYindependently set center frequen ..
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Phase Locked Loop
Phase Locked Loop
General DescriptionThe LM565and LM565Care general purpose phase locked
loops containing astable, highly linear voltage controlledos-
cillatorforlow distortionFM demodulation,anda doublebal-
anced phase detector with good carrier suppression. The
VCOfrequencyissetwith anexternal resistorand capacitor,
anda tuning rangeof 10:1canbe obtained withthe same
capacitor. The characteristicsof the closed loop
system—bandwidth, response speed, capture andpullin
range— may beadjusted overa wide rangewithan external
resistorand capacitor.The loop maybe broken betweenthe
VCOandthe phase detectorfor insertionofa digitalfre-
quency dividerto obtain frequency multiplication.
The LM565His specifiedfor operation overthe −55˚Cto
+125˚C military temperature range.The LM565CNis speci-
fiedfor operation overthe0˚Cto +70˚C temperature range.
Features 200 ppm/˚C frequency stabilityofthe VCO Power supply rangeof ±5to ±12 volts with100 ppm/%
typical 0.2% linearityof demodulated output Linear triangle wave within phase zero crossings
available TTLand DTL compatible phase detector inputand
square wave output Adjustable holdin range from ±1%to> ±60%
Applications Dataand tape synchronization Modems FSK demodulationFM demodulation Frequency synthesizer Tone decoding Frequency multiplicationand division SCA demodulators Telemetry receivers Signal regeneration Coherent demodulators
Connection Diagrams
Metal Can PackageDS007853-2
Order Number LM565H
SeeNS Package Number H10C
Dual-in-Line PackageDS007853-3
Order Number LM565CN
SeeNS Package Number N14AMay 1999
Loop©1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS007853