LM555H/883 ,TimerFEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LM555 is a highly stable device for generating2• Direct Replacement for SE5 ..
LM555J ,TimerFeaturesn Direct replacement for SE555/NE555The LM555 is a highly stable device for generating accu ..
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LM555J/883 ,TimerApplicationsn Precision timingn Pulse generationn Sequential timingn Time delay generationn Pulse w ..
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LP2995MRX ,DDR Termination RegulatorLP2995 DDR Termination RegulatorAugust 2004LP2995DDR Termination Regulator
LP2995MRX/NOPB ,DDR Termination Regulator 8-SO PowerPAD 0 to 125Connection DiagramNC 1 8 VTTGND PVIN2 7VSENSE6 AVIN316 15 14 13N/C1 12 PVINV 5 VREF 4 DDQGND 2 11 P ..
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www.ti.com SNOSAP2C –AUGUST 2005–REVISED APRIL 2013
LM555QML Timer
Checkfor Samples: LM555QML
1FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LM555isa highly stable device for generating
Direct Replacement for SE555/NE555 accurate time delays or oscillation. Additional
• Timing from Microseconds through Hours terminals are provided for triggering or resettingif
Operatesin Both Astable and Monostable desired.In the time delay modeof operation, the time
Modes is precisely controlled by one external resistor and
capacitor. For astable operation as an oscillator, the
• Adjustable Duty Cycle free running frequency and duty cycle are accurately
• Output can Sourceor Sink 200 mA controlled with two external resistors and one
Output and Supply TTL Compatible capacitor. The circuit may be triggered and reset on
falling waveforms, and the output circuit can source
• Temperature Stability Better than 0.005% per or sinkupto 200mAor drive TTL circuits.
°C Normally On and Normally Off Output
APPLICATIONS Precision Timing Pulse Generation Sequential Timing Time Delay Generation Pulse Width Modulation Pulse Position Modulation Linear Ramp Generator
CONNECTION DIAGRAM Figure2. Metal Package