LM555CMX ,Single Timerwww www www www.f .f .f .fai ai ai airch rch rch rchild ild ild ildse se se semi mi mi mi.c .c .c . ..
LM555CN ,Single Timerwww www www www.f .f .f .fai ai ai airch rch rch rchild ild ild ildse se se semi mi mi mi.c .c .c . ..
LM555H/883 ,TimerFEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LM555 is a highly stable device for generating2• Direct Replacement for SE5 ..
LM555J ,TimerFeaturesn Direct replacement for SE555/NE555The LM555 is a highly stable device for generating accu ..
LM555J/883 ,TimerMICROCIRCUIT DATA SHEETOriginal Creation Date: 08/02/95MJLM555-X REV 1A0Last Update Date: 03/16/01L ..
LM555J/883 ,TimerApplicationsn Precision timingn Pulse generationn Sequential timingn Time delay generationn Pulse w ..
LP2992IM5X-2.5 ,Micropower 250 mA Low-Noise Ultra Low-Dropout Regulator in SOT-23 and LLP PackagesLP2992 Micropower 250 mA Low-Noise Ultra Low-Dropout Regulator in SOT-23 and LLPPackagesJune 2002LP ..
LP2992IM5X-3.0 ,Micropower 250 mA Low-Noise Ultra Low-Dropout Regulator in SOT-23 and LLP PackagesLP2992 Micropower 250 mA Low-Noise Ultra Low-Dropout Regulator in SOT-23 and LLPPackagesJune 2002LP ..
LP2992IM5X-3.3 ,Micropower 250 mA Low-Noise Ultra Low-Dropout Regulator in SOT-23 and LLP PackagesLP2992 Micropower 250 mA Low-Noise Ultra Low-Dropout Regulator in SOT-23 and LLPPackagesJune 2002LP ..
LP2992IM5X-5.0 ,Micropower 250 mA Low-Noise Ultra Low-Dropout Regulator in SOT-23 and LLP PackagesApplicationsabsolute minimum board space.n Cellular PhonePrecision Output: 1% tolerance output volt ..
LP2994M ,DDR Termination RegulatorPin DescriptionSO-8 Pin Name Function1 NC No internal connection2 GND Ground3 VSENSE Feedback pin f ..
LP2994MX ,DDR Termination RegulatorElectrical Characteristics Specifications with standard typeface are for T = 25˚C and limits in bol ..
Single Timer
FeaturesFeaturesFeaturesFeatures High Current Drive Capability (200mA) Adjustable Duty Cycle Temperature Stability of 0.005%/°C Timing From μSec to Hours Turn off Time Less Than 2μSec
ApplicationsApplicationsApplicationsApplications Precision Timing Pulse Generation Time Delay Generation Sequential Timing
The LM555/NE555/SA555 is a highly stable controller
capable of producing accurate timing pulses. With a
monostable operation, the time delay is controlled by one
external resistor and one capacitor. With an astable
operation, the frequency and duty cycle are accurately
controlled by two external resistors and one capacitor.