LM5109BMA ,High Voltage 1A Peak Half Bridge Gate Driver 8-SOIC -40 to 125Features 3 DescriptionThe LM5109B device is a cost-effective, high-voltage1• Drives Both a High-Sid ..
LM5109BMAX , High Voltage 1A Peak Half Bridge Gate Driver
LM5109BMAX , High Voltage 1A Peak Half Bridge Gate Driver
LM5109BSD , High Voltage 1A Peak Half Bridge Gate Driver
LM5109MAX ,100V / 1A Peak Half Bridge Gate DriverPin DescriptionPin #Name Description Application InformationSO-8 LLP-811 V Positive gate drive supp ..
LM5109SD ,100V / 1A Peak Half Bridge Gate DriverGeneral Descriptionn Fast propagation times (27 ns typical)The LM5109 is a low cost high voltage ga ..
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LP2989IMM-3.0 ,Micropower/Low Noise, 500 mA Ultra Low-Dropout RegulatorFeaturesn Ultra low dropout voltageThe LP2989 is a fixed-output 500 mA precision LDO regu-lator des ..
LP2989IMM-3.0 ,Micropower/Low Noise, 500 mA Ultra Low-Dropout RegulatorLP2989 Micropower/Low Noise, 500 mA Ultra Low-Dropout RegulatorFor Use with Ceramic Output Capacito ..
LP2989IMM-3.0 ,Micropower/Low Noise, 500 mA Ultra Low-Dropout RegulatorLP2989 Micropower/Low Noise, 500 mA Ultra Low-Dropout RegulatorFor Use with Ceramic Output Capacito ..
LP2989IMM-3.3 ,Micropower/Low Noise, 500 mA Ultra Low-Dropout RegulatorLP2989 Micropower/Low Noise, 500 mA Ultra Low-Dropout RegulatorFor Use with Ceramic Output Capacito ..
LP2989IMM-5.0 ,Micropower/Low Noise, 500 mA Ultra Low-Dropout RegulatorFeaturesn Ultra low dropout voltageThe LP2989 is a fixed-output 500 mA precision LDO regu-lator des ..
High Voltage 1A Peak Half Bridge Gate Driver
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LM5109B High Voltage 1-A Peak Half-Bridge Gate Driver Features 3 DescriptionThe LM5109B deviceisa cost-effective, high-voltage Drives Botha High-Side and Low-Side N-Channel gate driver designedto drive both the high-side andMOSFET the low-side N-channel MOSFETsina synchronous• 1-A Peak Output Current (1.0-A Sink and 1.0-A buck ora half-bridge configuration. The floatingSource) high-side driver is capable of working with rail
voltages upto 90V. The outputs are independently• Inputs Compatible With Independent TTL and
controlled with cost-effective TTL andCMOS
CMOS-compatible input thresholds. The robust level• Bootstrap Supply Voltageto 108-V DC shift technology operates at high speed while• Fast Propagation Times (30ns Typical) consuming low power and providing clean level Drives 1000-pF Load With 15-ns Rise and Fall transitions from the control input logicto the high-side
gate driver. Undervoltage lockoutis provided on bothTimes• Excellent Propagation Delay Matching(2nsTypical)• Supply Rail Undervoltage Lockout• Low Power Consumption• 8-Pin SOIC and Thermally-Enhanced 8-PinWSON Package
2 Applications• Current-Fed, Push-Pull Converters Half- and Full-Bridge Power Converters Solid-State Motor Drives Two-Switch Forward Power Converters
Simplified Application