LM5105SD ,100V Half Bridge Gate Driver with Programmable Dead-timeGeneral Descriptionn Bootstrap supply voltage range up to 118V DCThe LM5105 is a high voltage gate ..
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100V Half Bridge Gate Driver with Programmable Dead-time
100V Half Bridge Gate Driver with Programmable
General DescriptionThe LM5105isa high voltage gate driver designedto drive
both the high side and low sideN –Channel MOSFETsina
synchronous buckor half bridge configuration. The floating
high-side driveris capableof working withrail voltagesupto
100V. The single control inputis compatible with TTL signal
levels anda single external resistor programsthe switching
transition dead-time through tightly matched turn-on delay
circuits.A high voltage diodeis providedto chargethe high
side gate drive bootstrap capacitor. The robust level shift
technology operatesat high speed while consuming low
power and provides clean output transitions. Under-voltage
lockout disables the gate driver when either the low sideor
the bootstrapped high side supply voltageis belowthe op-
erating threshold. The LM5105is offeredin the thermally
enhanced 10-pin LLP plastic package.
Features Drives botha high side and low side N-channel
MOSFET 1.8A peak gate drive current Bootstrap supply voltage rangeupto 118V DC Integrated bootstrap diode Single TTL compatible Input Programmable turn-on delays (Dead-time) Enable Inputpin Fast turn-off propagation delays (26ns typical) Drives 1000pF with 15ns rise andfall time Supplyrail under-voltage lockout Low power consumption
Typical Applications Solid State motor drives Half and Full Bridge power converters Two switch forward power converters
Package LLP-10(4 mmx4mm)
Simplified Block DiagramFIGURE1.
February 2005