LM5104SD ,High Voltage Half-Bridge Gate Driver with Adaptive DelayApplicationsbe added, proportional to an external setting resistor. Ann Current Fed Push-Pull Power ..
LM5105SD ,100V Half Bridge Gate Driver with Programmable Dead-timeGeneral Descriptionn Bootstrap supply voltage range up to 118V DCThe LM5105 is a high voltage gate ..
LM5106MM ,100V Half Bridge Gate Driver with Programmable Dead-Time 10-VSSOP -40 to 125 SNVS424D–JANUARY 2006–REVISED DECEMBER 20145 Pin Configuration and Functions10-PinVSSOP (DGS), WSO ..
LM5106MM/NOPB ,100V Half Bridge Gate Driver with Programmable Dead-Time 10-VSSOP -40 to 125Features 3 DescriptionThe LM5106 is a high-voltage gate driver designed to1• Drives Both a High-Sid ..
LM5107MA ,100V / 1.4 Peak Half Bridge Gate DriverGeneral Descriptionn Bootstrap supply voltage to 118V DCThe LM5107 is a low cost high voltage gate ..
LM5107SD ,100V / 1.4 Peak Half Bridge Gate DriverPin DescriptionPin #Name Description Application InformationSO-8 LLP-811 V Positive gate drive supp ..
LP2989IM-1.8 ,Micropower 500 mA Low Noise Low-Dropout Regulator for Applications with Output Voltages < 2Vapplications requiring output voltages 2V.n Very low output noise with external capacitorOutputnois ..
LP2989IM-2.5 ,Micropower/Low Noise, 500 mA Ultra Low-Dropout RegulatorLP2989 Micropower/Low Noise, 500 mA Ultra Low-Dropout RegulatorFor Use with Ceramic Output Capacito ..
LP2989IM-3.0 ,Micropower/Low Noise, 500 mA Ultra Low-Dropout RegulatorFeaturesn Ultra low dropout voltageThe LP2989 is a fixed-output 500 mA precision LDO regu-lator des ..
LP2989IM3.3 ,Micropower/Low Noise, 500 mA Ultra Low-Dropout RegulatorApplicationsError Flag: The built-in error flag goes low when the outputdrops approximately 5% belo ..
LP2989IM-3.3 ,Micropower/Low Noise, 500 mA Ultra Low-Dropout RegulatorLP2989 Micropower/Low Noise, 500 mA Ultra Low-Dropout RegulatorFor Use with Ceramic Output Capacito ..
LP2989IM-3.3 ,Micropower/Low Noise, 500 mA Ultra Low-Dropout RegulatorApplicationsError Flag: The built-in error flag goes low when the outputdrops approximately 5% belo ..
High Voltage Half-Bridge Gate Driver with Adaptive Delay
High Voltage Half-Bridge Gate Driver with Adaptive
General DescriptionThe LM5104 High Voltage Gate Driveris designedto drive
boththe high side andthe low side N-Channel MOSFETsin synchronous buck configuration. The floating high-side
driveris capableof working with supply voltagesupto 100V.
The high side and low side gate driversare controlled froma
single input. Each changein stateis controlledinan adap-
tive mannerto prevent shoot-through issues.In additionto
the adaptive transition timing,an additional delay time can added, proportionaltoan external setting resistor.An
integrated high voltage diodeis providedto charge high side
gate drive bootstrap capacitor.Arobust level shifter operates high speed while consuming low power and providing
clean level transitions fromthe control logictothe high side
gate driver. Under-voltage lockoutis providedon both the
low side andthe high side power rails. This deviceis avail-
ableinthe standard SOIC-8pin and the LLP-10 pin pack-
Features Drives botha high side and low side N-channel
MOSFET Adaptive rising and falling edges with programmable
additional delay Single input control Bootstrap supply voltage rangeupto 118V DC Fast turn-off propagation delay(25ns typical) Drives 1000pF loads with15ns rise andfall times Supplyrail under-voltage lockout
Typical Applications Current Fed Push-Pull Power Converters High Voltage Buck Regulators Active Clamp Forward Power Converters Half and Full Bridge Converters
Package SOIC-8 LLP-10(4 mmx4mm)
Simplified Block DiagramFebruary 2005