LM5102MMX ,High Voltage Half-Bridge Gate Driver with Programmable DelayGeneral Descriptionn Fast turn-off propagation delay (25 ns typical)The LM5102 High Voltage Gate Dr ..
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High Voltage Half-Bridge Gate Driver with Programmable Delay
High Voltage Half-Bridge Gate Driver with Programmable
General DescriptionThe LM5102 High Voltage Gate Driveris designedto drive
boththe high side andthe low side N-Channel MOSFETsin synchronous buckora half bridge configuration. The float-
ing high-side driveris capableof working with supply volt-
agesupto 100V. The outputs are independently controlled.
The rising edgeof each output canbe independently de-
layed witha programming resistor.An integrated high volt-
age diodeis providedto charge the high side gate drive
bootstrap capacitor.A robust level shifter operatesat high
speed while consuming low power and providing clean level
transitions from control logicto the high side gate driver.
Under-voltage lockoutis providedon both the low side and
the high side power rails. This deviceis availablein the
standard MSOP-10pin andthe LLP-10pin packages.
Features Drives botha high side and low side N-channel
MOSFET Independently programmable high and low side rising
edge delay Bootstrap supply voltage rangeupto 118V DC Fast turn-off propagation delay(25ns typical) Drives 1000pF loads with15ns rise andfall times Supplyrail under-voltage lockout Low power consumption Timer canbe terminated midway through sequence
Typical Applications Current Fed push-pull power converters Half and Full Bridge power converters Synchronous Buck converters Two switch forward power converters Forward with Active Clamp converters
Package MSOP-10 LLP-10(4 mmx4mm)
Simplified Block DiagramJanuary 2004