LM50CIM3X ,SOT-23 Single-Supply Centigrade Temperature SensorLM50 SOT-23 Single-Supply Centigrade Temperature SensorJuly 1999LM50SOT-23 Single-Supply Centigrade ..
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SOT-23 Single-Supply Centigrade Temperature Sensor
SOT-23 Single-Supply Centigrade Temperature Sensor
General DescriptionThe LM50isa precision integrated-circuit temperature sen-
sorthatcan sensea −40˚Cto +125˚Ctemperature rangeus-
inga single positive supply.The LM50’soutput voltageislin-
early proportionalto Celsius (Centigrade) temperature
(+10 mV/˚C)andhasaDC offsetof +500mV.The offsetal-
lows reading negative temperatures withoutthe needfora
negativesupply. Theideal output voltage ofthe LM50 ranges
from +100mVto +1.75Vfora −40˚Cto +125˚C temperature
range.The LM50 doesnot requireany externalcalibrationor
trimmingto provide accuraciesof ±3˚Cat roomtemperature
and ±4˚C overthefull −40˚Cto +125˚C temperature range.
Trimmingand calibrationofthe LM50atthe wafer levelas-
surelow costand high accuracy.The LM50’s linear output,
+500mV offset,and factory calibration simplify circuitryre-
quiredina single supply environment where reading nega-
tive temperaturesis required. Becausethe LM50’squiescent
currentisless than130μA, self-heatingis limitedtoa very
low 0.2˚Cinstillair.
Applications Computers Disk Drives Battery Management Automotive FAX Machines Printers Portable Medical Instruments HVAC Power Supply Modules
Features Calibrated directlyin degree Celsius (Centigrade) Linear+ 10.0 mV/˚C scale factor ±2˚C accuracy guaranteedat +25˚C Specifiedforfull −40˚to +125˚C range Suitablefor remote applications Low costdueto wafer-level trimming Operates from 4.5Vto10V Less than130μA current drain Low self-heating, less than 0.2˚Cinstillair Nonlinearityless than 0.8˚C over temp
Connection Diagram
Order SOT-23 SuppliedAs
Number Device MarkingLM50BIM3 T5B 1000 Unitson Tape
and Reel
LM50CIM3 T5C 1000 Unitson Tape
and Reel
LM50BIM3X T5B 3000 Unitson Tape
and Reel
LM50CIM3X T5C 3000 Unitson Tape
and Reel
Typical Application
Top View
SeeNS Package Number MA03BDS012030-3
FIGURE1. Full-Range Centigrade Temperature Sensor (−40˚Cto +125˚C)July 1999
Sensor©1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS012030