LM5068MM-2 ,Negative Voltage Hot Swap ControllerLM5068 Negative Voltage Hot Swap ControllerDecember 2004LM5068Negative Voltage Hot Swap Controller
LM5068MM-2 ,Negative Voltage Hot Swap ControllerFeaturesn Safe module insertion and removal from live backplanesThe LM5068 hot-swap controller prov ..
LM5068MM-2 ,Negative Voltage Hot Swap ControllerApplicationsThe LM5068 is available in a MSOP-8 package.n - 48V Power Modulesn Central Office Switc ..
LM5068MMX-2 ,Negative Voltage Hot Swap ControllerFeaturesn Safe module insertion and removal from live backplanesThe LM5068 hot-swap controller prov ..
LM5069MM-2 ,Positive High Voltage Hot Swap / Inrush Current Controller with Power Limiting 10-VSSOP -40 to 125Maximum Ratings for VIN(100 V) applies only when the LM5069 is disabled, or for a momentary surge t ..
LM5069MM-2 ,Positive High Voltage Hot Swap / Inrush Current Controller with Power Limiting 10-VSSOP -40 to 125Features 2 Applications1• Wide Operating Range: 9 V to 80 V • Server Backplane Systems• In-Rush Cur ..
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LP2988IMM-3.3 ,Micropower, 200 mA Ultra Low-Dropout Low Noise Voltage Regulator with Programmable Power-On Reset DelayFeaturesn Ultra low dropout voltageThe LP2987/8 are fixed-output 200 mA precision LDO volt-age regu ..
LP2988IMM-3.8 ,Micropower, 200 mA Ultra Low-Dropout Low Noise Voltage Regulator with Programmable Power-On Reset DelayApplicationsError Flag/Reset: The error flag goes low when the outputn Cellular Phonedrops approxim ..
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LP2988IMM-5.0 ,Micropower, 200 mA Ultra Low-Dropout Low Noise Voltage Regulator with Programmable Power-On Reset DelayLP2987/LP2988 Micropower, 200 mA Ultra Low-Dropout Voltage Regulator with ProgrammablePower-On Rese ..
LP2988IMM-5.0/NOPB ,Micropower, 200 mA Ultra Low-Dropout Low Noise Voltage Regulator with Prog. Power-On Reset Delay 8-VSSOP -40 to 125Connection Diagram (LP2987)Figure 1. Top ViewSOIC-8/VSSOP-8 PackageSurface Mount PackagesSee Packag ..
Negative Voltage Hot Swap Controller
Negative V oltage Hot Swap Controller
General DescriptionThe LM5068 hot-swap controller provides intelligent control power supply connections during the insertion and re-
movalof circuit cards poweredby live system backplanes.
The LM5068 provides both in-rush current control and short-
circuit protection functions, and limits power supply tran-
sientsinthe backplane causedbythe insertionof additional
circuit cards. The LM5068 controls the external N-Channel
MOSFETto provide programmable load current limiting and
circuit breaker functions usinga single external current
sense resistor. The LM5068 issuesa power good (PWRGD)
signalatthe conclusionofa successful power-on sequence.
Input over-voltageor under -voltage fault conditionswill can-
celthe PWRGD indication.
The LM5068-1 and-2 indicate power-goodasan open-drain
active HIGH PWRGD state. The LM5068-3 and-4 indicate
power-goodasan open-drain active LOW PWRGD state.
The LM5068-1 and-3 latchoff aftera fault conditionis
detected while the LM5068-2 and-4 continuously re-tryat
intervalssetbya programmable timer.
The LM5068is availableina MSOP-8 package.
Features Safe module insertion and removal from live backplanes In-rush current limitingfor safe board insertion into live
backplanes Fast responseto over-current fault conditions with active
current limiting -10Vto -90V input range Programmable under-voltage/over-voltage shutdown
protection with adjustable hysteresis Programmable multi-function timerfor board insertion
de-bounce delay Fault timer avoids nuisance trips causedby short
duration load transients Active gate clamping during initial power application Availablein both latched fault and automatic re-try
versions Available with either active HIGHor active LOW power
good flag
Applications- 48V Power Modules Central Office Switching Distributed Power Systems Electronic Circuit Breaker PBX Systems Negative Power Supply Control
Typical ApplicationNegative Power Supply Control
December 2004