LM5035BSQ/NOPB ,PWM Controller with Integrated Half-Bridge and SyncFET Drivers 24-WQFN -40 to 125 SNVS613C –JULY 2009–REVISED APRIL 201324 23 22 21 20NC 1 REF19OVP 2 SR118COMP 3 SR217RT 4 VCC16EPA ..
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PWM Controller with Integrated Half-Bridge and SyncFET Drivers
www.ti.com SNVS613C –JULY 2009–REVISED APRIL 2013
LM5035B PWM Controller with Integrated Half-Bridge and SyncFET Drivers
Checkfor Samples: LM5035B
1FEATURES PACKAGES 105V/ 2A Half-Bridge Gate Drivers • TSSOP-20 Synchronous Rectifier Control Outputs with • WQFN-24 (4mmx 5mm)
Programmable Delays
DESCRIPTION• Synchronous Rectifiers Turned OffinThe LM5035B Half-Bridge Controller/Gate Driver
Shutdown Modes.contains allof the features necessaryto implement
• Reduced Deadtime Between High and Low half-bridge topology power converters using voltage
Side Drive for Higher Maximum Duty Cycle. mode control with line voltage feed-forward.
• High Voltage (105V) Start-up Regulator The LM5035Bisa functional variantof the LM5035A
• Voltage mode Control with Line Feed-Forward half-bridge PWM controller. The LM5035B provides
and Volt Second Limiting higher maximum duty cycle and higher start-up
Resistor Programmed, 2MHz Capable regulator output current than the LM5035A or
LM5035. Also, the Synchronous Rectifier drive
Oscillatoroutputsof the LM5035B are held lowin shutdown
• Programmable Line Under-Voltage Lockout modes.
and Over-Voltage ProtectionThe LM5035, LM5035A, and LM5035B includea
• Internal Thermal Shutdown Protection floating high-side gate driver, whichis capableof
• Adjustable Soft-Start operating with supply voltages upto 105V. Both the
• Versatile Dual Mode Over-Current Protection high-side and low-side gate drivers are capableof 2A
with Hiccup Delay Timer peak. An internal high voltage startup regulatoris
included, along with programmable line undervoltage
• Cycle-by-Cycle Over-Current Protection lockout (UVLO) and overvoltage protection (OVP).
• Direct Opto-coupler Interface The oscillatoris programmed witha single resistorto
• 5V Reference Output frequencies upto 2MHz. The oscillator can also be
synchronizedto an external clock.A current sense
input anda programmable timer provide cycle-by-
cycle current limit and adjustable hiccup mode
overload protection.The differences between LM5035,
LM5035A, LM5035B, and LM5035C are summarized Table2.