LM5005MH/NOPB ,7-75V Wide Vin, 2.5A Current Mode Non-Synchronous Buck Regulator 20-HTSSOP -40 to 125 SNVS397E–SEPTEMBER 2005–REVISED NOVEMBER 20165 Pin Configuration and FunctionsPWP Package20-Pin HT ..
LM5005MHX ,High Voltage 2.5 Amp Buck Regulatorfeatures all ofthe functions necessary to implement an efficient high volt- n Ultra-wide input volt ..
LM5005MHX ,High Voltage 2.5 Amp Buck RegulatorfeaturesPackageinclude: current limit, thermal shutdown and remote shut-n TSSOP-20EP (Exposed Pad)d ..
LM5007 ,High Voltage (80V) Step Down Switching RegulatorLM5007 High Voltage (80V) Step Down Switching RegulatorDecember 2004LM5007High Voltage (80V) Step D ..
LM5007MM ,High Voltage (80V) Step Down Switching Regulatorfeatures include: Thermal Shutdown, Vcc under-n External Shutdown Controlvoltage lockout, gate driv ..
LM5007MM/NOPB ,9-75V Wide Vin, 500mA Constant On-Time Non-Synchronous Buck Regulator 8-VSSOP -40 to 125 SNVS252G–SEPTEMBER 2003–REVISED NOVEMBER 20155 Pin Configuration and FunctionsDGK Package and NGT ..
LP2987AILD-3.3 ,Micropower, 200 mA Ultra Low-Dropout Voltage Regulator with Programmable Power-On Reset DelayFeaturesn Ultra low dropout voltageThe LP2987/8 are fixed-output 200 mA precision LDO volt-age regu ..
LP2987AILD-5.0 ,Micropower, 200 mA Ultra Low-Dropout Voltage Regulator with Programmable Power-On Reset DelayFeaturesn Ultra low dropout voltageThe LP2987/8 are fixed-output 200 mA precision LDO volt-age regu ..
LP2987AILD-5.0 ,Micropower, 200 mA Ultra Low-Dropout Voltage Regulator with Programmable Power-On Reset DelayLP2987/LP2988 Micropower, 200 mA Ultra Low-Dropout Voltage Regulator with ProgrammablePower-On Rese ..
LP2987AILD-5.0/NOPB ,Micropower, 200 mA Ultra Low-Dropout Voltage Regulator with Programmable Power-On Reset Delay 8-WSON -40 to 125Connection Diagram (LP2987)Figure 1. Top ViewSOIC-8/VSSOP-8 PackageSurface Mount PackagesSee Packag ..
LP2987AIM-2.5 ,Micropower, 200 mA Ultra Low-Dropout Voltage Regulator with Programmable Power-On Reset DelayFeaturesn Ultra low dropout voltageThe LP2987/8 are fixed-output 200 mA precision LDO volt-age regu ..
LP2987AIM-2.8 ,Micropower, 200 mA Ultra Low-Dropout Voltage Regulator with Programmable Power-On Reset DelayApplicationsError Flag/Reset: The error flag goes low when the outputn Cellular Phonedrops approxim ..
7-75V Wide Vin, 2.5A Current Mode Non-Synchronous Buck Regulator 20-HTSSOP -40 to 125
Sample & Support & Product Tools & Technical Community Buy Folder Documents Software LM5005 SNVS397E – SEPTEMBER 2005 – REVISED NOVEMBER 2016 LM5005 75-V, 2.5-A Step-Down Switching Regulator With Wide Input Voltage Range 1 Features 3 Description The LM5005 high-voltage buck converter features all 1• High-Efficiency DC-DC Buck Converter of the functions necessary to implement an efficient – Wide Input Voltage Range From 7 V to 75 V high-voltage switching regulator with a minimum – Adjustable Output Voltage as Low as 1.225 V number of external components. This easy-to-use converter operates over an input voltage range from – Output Current as High as 2.5 A 7 V to 75 V and delivers a maximum output current of – Junction Temperature Range –40°C to 125°C 2.5 A. The control loop architecture is based upon • Integrated 75-V, 160-mΩ Buck MOSFET current-mode control using an emulated current ramp for high noise immunity. Current-mode control • Meets EN55022 and CISPR 22 EMI Standards provides inherent line feed-forward, cycle-by-cycle • ±1.5% Feedback Voltage Accuracy overcurrent protection and straightforward loop • Emulated Peak Current-Mode Control compensation. The use of an emulated control ramp – Ultra-Fast Line and Load Transient Response reduces noise sensitivity of the PWM circuit, allowing reliable control of small duty cycles necessary in high • Switching Frequency From 50 kHz to 500 kHz input voltage applications. • Master or Slave Frequency Synchronization Input The switching frequency is resistor-programmable • 80-ns Minimum PWM ON Time For Low V OUT from 50 kHz to 500 kHz. To reduce EMI, an oscillator • Monotonic Start-up into Prebiased Output synchronization pin allows multiple LM5005 • Internal High-Voltage VCC Bias Supply Regulator regulators to self-synchronize or be synchronized to an external clock signal. Additional protection • Auxiliary Bias Supply Option to VCC features include configurable soft start, external • Configurable Soft Start With Tracking power supply tracking, thermal shutdown with • Precision Standby and Shutdown Input automatic recovery, and remote shutdown capability. – Programmable Input UVLO With Hysteresis The LM5005 is available in an 20-pin HTSSOP • Remote Shutdown and Standby Control package with an exposed pad that is soldered to the PCB to achieve a low junction-to-board thermal • Cycle-by-Cycle Overcurrent Protection impedance. To create a custom regulator design, use • VCC and Gate Drive UVLO Protection ® the LM5005 with WEBENCH Power Designer. • Thermal Shutdown Protection With Hysteresis (1) • Thermally-Enhanced 20-Pin HTSSOP Package Device Information PART NUMBER PACKAGE BODY SIZE (NOM) 2 Applications LM5005 HTSSOP (20) 6.50 mm × 4.40 mm • High-Efficiency Point-of-Load Regulators (1) For all available packages, see the orderable addendum at the end of the data sheet. • Telecommunications Infrastructure • Factory Automation and Control SPACER Typical Application Circuit Typical Efficiency, V = 5 V OUT V 100 IN 3,4 20 VIN BST C BST 90 C IN 2 L F V SD OUT 17,18 80 SW optional LM5005 19 1 70 PRE C OUT VCC D F 8 RT 15,16 60 IS C R VCC T 12 OUT 50 R FB1 VIN = 12 V SYNC 5 7 VIN = 24 V SYNC FB 40 9 VIN = 36 V C C1 R optional RAMP C1 6 VIN = 48 V 11 COMP R FB2 SS 30 VIN = 60 V AGND PGND C RAMP C SS VIN = 75 V 13,14 10 C C2 20 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Copyright © 2016, Output Current (A) D001 1 An IMPORTANT NOTICE at the end of this data sheet addresses availability, warranty, changes, use in safety-critical applications, intellectual property matters and other important disclaimers. PRODUCTION DATA. Efficiency ()