LM5000SD-6 ,High Voltage Switch Mode RegulatorPin DescriptionPin Name Function1 COMP Compensation network connection. Connected to the output of ..
LM5001SD/NOPB ,3.1-75V Wide Vin, 1A Current Mode Non-Synchronous Switch Mode Regulator 8-WSON SNVS484H–JANUARY 2007–REVISED JULY 20155 Pin Configuration and FunctionsSOIC (D) 8 PinsTop ViewSW ..
LM5005MH ,High Voltage 2.5 Amp Buck RegulatorPin DescriptionsPin(S) Name Description Application Information1 VCC Output of the bias regulator V ..
LM5005MH/NOPB ,7-75V Wide Vin, 2.5A Current Mode Non-Synchronous Buck Regulator 20-HTSSOP -40 to 125 SNVS397E–SEPTEMBER 2005–REVISED NOVEMBER 20165 Pin Configuration and FunctionsPWP Package20-Pin HT ..
LM5005MHX ,High Voltage 2.5 Amp Buck Regulatorfeatures all ofthe functions necessary to implement an efficient high volt- n Ultra-wide input volt ..
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LP2986IMX-3.3/NOPB ,Micropower, 200 mA Ultra Low-Dropout Fixed or Adjustable Voltage Regulator 8-SOIC -40 to 125Maximum Ratings.. 410.2 Layout Examples...... 206.2 ESD Ratings........ 410.3 WSON Mounting...... 2 ..
LP2986IMX-5.0 ,Micropower/ 200 mA Ultra Low-Dropout Fixed or Adjustable Voltage RegulatorLP2986 Micropower, 200 mA Ultra Low-Dropout Fixed or Adjustable Voltage RegulatorMarch 1999LP2986Mi ..
LP2986IMX-5.0/NOPB ,Micropower, 200 mA Ultra Low-Dropout Fixed or Adjustable Voltage Regulator 8-SOIC -40 to 125Electrical Characteristics....... 511.2 Community Resources...... 226.6 Typical Characteristics. 81 ..
LP2987AILD-3.0 ,Micropower, 200 mA Ultra Low-Dropout Voltage Regulator with Programmable Power-On Reset DelayApplicationsError Flag/Reset: The error flag goes low when the outputn Cellular Phonedrops approxim ..
LP2987AILD-3.3 ,Micropower, 200 mA Ultra Low-Dropout Voltage Regulator with Programmable Power-On Reset DelayFeaturesn Ultra low dropout voltageThe LP2987/8 are fixed-output 200 mA precision LDO volt-age regu ..
LP2987AILD-5.0 ,Micropower, 200 mA Ultra Low-Dropout Voltage Regulator with Programmable Power-On Reset DelayFeaturesn Ultra low dropout voltageThe LP2987/8 are fixed-output 200 mA precision LDO volt-age regu ..
High Voltage Switch Mode Regulator
High Voltage Switch Mode Regulator
General DescriptionThe LM5000isa monolithic integrated circuit specifically
designed and optimizedfor flyback, boostor forward power
converter applications. The internal power switchis ratedfor maximumof 80V, witha current limitsetto 2A. Protecting
the power switch are current limit and thermal shutdown
circuits. The current mode control scheme provides excellent
rejection ofline transients and cycle-by-cycle current limiting. external compensationpin andthe built-in slope compen-
sation allow the userto optimize the frequency compensa-
tion. Other distinctive features include softstartto reduce
stresses during start-up andan external shutdown pinfor
remote ON/OFF control. There are two operating frequency
ranges available. The LM5000-3ispin selectablefor either
300kHz (FS Grounded)or 700kHz (FS Open). The
LM5000-6ispin selectablefor either 600kHz (FS Grounded) 1.3MHz (FS Open). The deviceis availableina low profile
16-lead TSSOP packageora thermally enhanced 16-lead
LLP package.
Features 80V internal switch Operating input voltage rangeof 3.1Vto 40V Pin selectable operating frequency
300kHz/700kHz (-3)
600kHz/1.3MHz (-6) Adjustable output voltage External compensation Input undervoltage lockout Softstart Current limit Over temperature protection External shutdown Small 16-Lead TSSOPor 16-Lead LLP package
Applications Flyback Regulator Forward Regulator Boost Regulator DSL Modems Distributed Power Converters
Typical Application CircuitLM5000 Flyback Converter
March 2004