LM4991LD/NOPB ,3W Audio Power Amplifier with Shutdown Mode 8-WSON -40 to 85features include thermal shutdown• Wireless and Cellular Handsetsprotection, unity-gain stability, ..
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3W Audio Power Amplifier with Shutdown Mode 8-WSON -40 to 85
www.ti.com SNAS217A–MAY 2004–REVISED APRIL 2013
LM4991 3W Audio Power Amplifier with Shutdown Mode
Checkfor Samples: LM4991
1FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LM4991isa mono bridged audio power amplifier
Availablein Space-Saving WSON and SOIC capable of delivering 3W of continuous average
Packages power intoa 3Ω load with less than 10% THD when
• Ultra Low Current Shutdown Mode poweredbya 5V power supply (see Note below). To
Can Drive Capacitive Loads upto 500pF conserve power in portable applications, the
LM4991's micropower shutdown mode (ISD= 0.1µ A,
• Improved Click and Pop Circuitry Reduces typ) is activated when VDD is applied to the
Noises During Turn-On and Turn-Off SHUTDOWN pin.
TransitionsBoomer audio power amplifiers are designed
• 2.2- 5.5V Operation specificallyto provide high power, high fidelity audio
• No Output Coupling Capacitors, Snubber output. They require few external components and
Networks, Bootstrap Capacitorsor Gain- operate on low supply voltages from 2.2Vto 5.5V.
Setting Resistors Required Since the LM4991 does not require output coupling
capacitors, bootstrap capacitors, or snubber
• Unity-Gain Stablenetworks,itis ideally suited for low-power portable
systems that require minimum volume and weight.
APPLICATIONSAdditional LM4991 features include thermal shutdown
• Wireless and Cellular Handsets protection, unity-gain stability, and external gain set.
• PDAs
Note: An LM4991LD that has been properly mounted
• Portable Computers toa circuit board will deliver 3W into 3Ω (at 10%
• Desktop Computers THD). The other package options for the LM4991 will
deliver 1.5W into 8Ω (at 10% THD). See the
KEY SPECIFICATIONS Application Information sections for further
information concerning the LM4991LD and
• Improved PSRRat 217kHz and 1kHz:64 dB LM4991M.
(typ) POat VDD= 5.0V, 10% THD, 1kHz LM4991LD (only), 3Ω, 4Ω: 3W (typ), 2.5W
(typ) All packages, 8Ω load: 1.5W (typ) 0.1µA (typ) Top View Figure2. WSON Package