LM4990ITLX/NOPB ,2 Watt Audio Power Amplifier with Selectable Shutdown Logic Level 9-DSBGA features a low-power consumptionshutdown mode. To facilitate this, Shutdown may beAPPLICATIONSenabl ..
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2 Watt Audio Power Amplifier with Selectable Shutdown Logic Level 9-DSBGA
www.ti.com SNAS184E –DECEMBER 2002–REVISED MAY 2013
LM4990 2 Watt Audio Power Amplifier with Selectable
Shutdown Logic Level
Checkfor Samples: LM4990
1FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LM4990is an audio power amplifier primarily
Availablein Space-Saving Packages: WSON, designed for demanding applications in mobile
Exposed-DAP MSOP-PowerPAD, VSSOP, and phones and other portable communication device
DSBGA applications.Itis capableof delivering 1.25 wattsof
• Ultra Low Current Shutdown Mode continuous average powerto an 8Ω BTL load and2
wattsof continuous average power (NGZ and DGQ
• Improved Click and Pop Circuitry Eliminatesonly)toa 4Ω BTL load with less than 1% distortion
Noise During Turn-On and Turn-Off (THD+N+N) froma 5VDC power supply.
Transitions 2.2- 5.5V Operation Boomer audio power amplifiers were designed
specificallyto provide high quality output power witha
• No Output Coupling Capacitors, Snubber minimal amount of external components. The
Networksor Bootstrap Capacitors Required LM4990 does not require output coupling capacitors
• Unity-Gain Stable or bootstrap capacitors, and thereforeis ideally suited
for mobile phone and other low voltage applications
• External Gain Configuration Capabilitywhere minimal power consumption isa primary
• User Selectable Shutdown Highor Low Logic requirement.
LevelThe LM4990 featuresa low-power consumption
shutdown mode. To facilitate this, Shutdown may be
APPLICATIONSenabled by either logic high or low depending on
• Mobile Phones mode selection. Driving the shutdown mode pin either
PDAs highor low enables the shutdown pintobe drivenin likewise mannerto enable shutdown.
• Portable Electronic DevicesThe LM4990 contains advanced pop& click circuitry
KEY SPECIFICATIONS which eliminates noise which would otherwise occur
during turn-on and turn-off transitions.
• Improved PSRRat 217Hz& 1KHz: 62dBThe LM4990 is unity-gain stable and can be
• Power Outputat 5.0V, 1% THD+N,configuredby external gain-setting resistors.
– 4Ω (NGZ and DGQ only): 2W (Typ) 1% THD+N, 8Ω: 1.25W 4Ω: 600mW