LM4970SD ,Audio Synchronized Color LED DriverPin Description1 FILT Low Pass Filter Input2V Power Supply PinDD3M Mono Audio InputIN4 GND Ground5L ..
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Audio Synchronized Color LED Driver
Audio Synchronized Color LED Driver
General DescriptionThe LM4970isa LED driver withan audio synchronization
mode that virtually eliminatesthe needfor real time software
processingfor LED lighting effects. The LM4970 includes
three individual PWM color LED drivers that provideupto
42mAof current drivefor each PWM LED output.
The LM4970 featuresan audio synchronization mode where
the audio input signal thatis mixedin from three audio inputs filtered into three frequency bands, with each frequency
band assignedtoa specific PWM LED driver.
The PWM LED drivers can alsobe directly programmed
throughanI2C compatible interfacefor applications where
user defined LED pattern, color, and intensity programmabil-
ityisa priority.
The LM4970 also featuresan audio input gain control which
allowsthe userto increase the gainifthe audio input signal
does not createa bright enough effecton the LEDs. The
LM4970isa feature rich LED driver thatis availableina
space saving14pin non-pullback LLP package.
Key Specifications LED Drive Current per channel
VDD=5V 42mA (2X setting) Shutdown Current, VDD=5V 1.5µA (typ)
Features Audio synchronized color LED driver User defined LED pattern, color, and intensity capability Programmable:
LED Drive current
PWM frequency
High pass filter frequency select
Audio input signal gain Eliminates external LED current limiting resistorsI2C compatible interface Ultra low shutdown current
Applications Cell Phones Portable MP3, CD, DVD, AAC players PDA’s
Block DiagramFIGURE1. Block Diagram
February 2005