LM4951SD/NOPB ,Wide Voltage Range 1.8 Watt Audio Power Amplifier 10-WSON Electrical Characteristics V = 7.5VDDThe following specifications apply for V = 7.5V, A = 6dB, R = ..
LM4952TS ,3.1W Stereo-SE Audio Power Amplifier with DC Volume ControlFeaturesadjustment.n Pop & click circuitry eliminates noise during turn-on andBoomeraudiopowerampli ..
LM4952TSX ,3.1W Stereo-SE Audio Power Amplifier with DC Volume ControlApplicationscircuit protection.n Flat Panel MonitorsThe LM4952 contains advanced pop & click circui ..
LM4952TSX ,3.1W Stereo-SE Audio Power Amplifier with DC Volume Controlapplicationsinflatpanelmonitorsandj POUTTV’s.Itiscapableofdelivering3.1wattsperchanneltoa4ΩV = 12V, ..
LM4953SD ,Ground-Referenced, Ultra Low Noise, Ceramic Speaker DriverPin DescriptionsPin Name Function1 SD Active Low Shutdown2CP Charge Pump Power SupplyVDD3 CCP+ Posi ..
LM4960SQ ,Piezoelectric Speaker DriverApplicationsThe LM4960 is unity-gain stable and can be configured byn Mobile phoneexternal gain-set ..
LP2986AIM-3.3/NOPB ,Micropower, 200 mA Ultra Low-Dropout Fixed or Adjustable Voltage Regulator 8-SOIC -40 to 125Sample & Support &Product Tools &TechnicalCommunityBuyFolder Documents SoftwareLP2986SNVS137I–MARCH ..
LP2986AIM5.0 ,Micropower, 200 mA Ultra Low-Dropout Fixed or Adjustable Voltage RegulatorLP2986 Micropower, 200 mA Ultra Low-Dropout Fixed or Adjustable Voltage RegulatorJanuary 2002LP2986 ..
LP2986AIM-5.0 ,Micropower, 200 mA Ultra Low-Dropout Fixed or Adjustable Voltage RegulatorFeaturesn Ultra low dropout voltageThe LP2986 is a 200 mA precision LDO voltage regulatorwhich offe ..
LP2986AIM-5.0/NOPB ,Micropower, 200 mA Ultra Low-Dropout Fixed or Adjustable Voltage Regulator 8-SOIC -40 to 125Features... 18 Application and Implementation...... 152 Applications..... 18.1 Application Informat ..
LP2986AIMM-3.0 ,Micropower, 200 mA Ultra Low-Dropout Fixed or Adjustable Voltage RegulatorFeaturesn Ultra low dropout voltageThe LP2986 is a 200 mA precision LDO voltage regulatorwhich offe ..
LP2986AIMM-3.0 ,Micropower, 200 mA Ultra Low-Dropout Fixed or Adjustable Voltage RegulatorApplicationsdrops approximately 5% below nominal.n Cellular PhonePrecision Output: The standard pro ..
Wide Voltage Range 1.8 Watt Audio Power Amplifier 10-WSON
www.ti.com SNAS244N –AUGUST 2004–REVISED MAY 2013
LM4951 Wide Voltage Range 1.8 Watt Audio Amplifier
Checkfor Samples: LM4951
1FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LM4951is an audio power amplifier primarily
Click and Pop Circuitry Eliminates Noise designed for demanding applications in Portable
during Turn-On and Turn-Off Transitions Handheld devices.Itis capableof delivering 1.8W
• Low Current, Active-Low Shutdown Mode mono BTLto an 8Ω load, continuous average power,
Low Quiescent Current with less than 1% distortion (THD+N) froma 7.5VDC
power supply.
• Thermal Shutdown ProtectionBoomer audio power amplifiers were designed
• Unity-Gain Stablespecificallyto provide high quality output power witha
• External Gain Configuration Capability minimal amount of external components. The
LM4951 does not require bootstrap capacitors, or
APPLICATIONS snubber circuits.
Portable Handheld Devices upto 9V The LM4951 featuresa low-power consumption
• Cell Phone active-low shutdown mode. Additionally, the LM4951
features an internal thermal shutdown protection
• PDAmechanism.
KEY SPECIFICATIONS The LM4951 contains advanced click and pop
circuitry that eliminates noises which would otherwise
• Wide Voltage Range: 2.7Vto9V occur during turn-on and turn-off transitions.
• Quiescent Power Supply Current (VDD=The LM4951 is unity-gain stable and can be
7.5V): 2.5mA (typ)configuredby external gain-setting resistors.
• Power Output BTLat 7.5V, 1% THD: 1.8W (typ) Shutdown Current: 0.01µA (typ) Fast Turn on Time: 25ms (typ)