LM494CJ ,Pulse Width Modulated Control CircuitLM494PulseWidthModulatedControlCircuitJune1989LM494PulseWidthModulatedControlCircuitGeneralDescript ..
LM494CJ ,Pulse Width Modulated Control CircuitLM494PulseWidthModulatedControlCircuitJune1989LM494PulseWidthModulatedControlCircuitGeneralDescript ..
LM4950TA ,7.5W Mono-BTL or 3.1W Stereo Audio Power Amplifierapplicationsinflatpanelmonitorsandj P (SE)OUTTV’s.Itiscapableofdelivering3.1wattsperchanneltoa4Ωsin ..
LM4950TSX ,7.5W Mono-BTL or 3.1W Stereo Audio Power AmplifierApplicationsn Flat Panel Monitorsn Flat panel TV’sn Computer Sound CardsTypical Application20047078 ..
LM4951ASD/NOPB ,Wide Voltage Range 1.8 Watt Audio Power Amplifier With Short Circuit Protection 10-WSON -40 to 85features an internal thermal shutdown• Portable Devicesprotection mechanism and short circuit prote ..
LM4951SD ,Wide Voltage Range 1.8 Watt Audio Power AmplifierApplicationsn Portable Handheld Devices up to 9Vn Cell Phonen PDATypical Application200942F4*R is n ..
LP2986AILD-3.3 ,Micropower, 200 mA Ultra Low-Dropout Fixed or Adjustable Voltage RegulatorFeaturesn Ultra low dropout voltageThe LP2986 is a 200 mA precision LDO voltage regulatorwhich offe ..
LP2986AILD-5.0 ,Micropower, 200 mA Ultra Low-Dropout Fixed or Adjustable Voltage RegulatorFeaturesn Ultra low dropout voltageThe LP2986 is a 200 mA precision LDO voltage regulatorwhich offe ..
LP2986AILDX-3.3 ,Micropower, 200 mA Ultra Low-Dropout Fixed or Adjustable Voltage RegulatorApplicationsdrops approximately 5% below nominal.n Cellular PhonePrecision Output: The standard pro ..
LP2986AIM3.0 ,Micropower, 200 mA Ultra Low-Dropout Fixed or Adjustable Voltage RegulatorFeaturesn Ultra low dropout voltageThe LP2986 is a 200 mA precision LDO voltage regulatorwhich offe ..
LP2986AIM-3.0 ,Micropower, 200 mA Ultra Low-Dropout Fixed or Adjustable Voltage RegulatorApplicationsdrops approximately 5% below nominal.n Cellular PhonePrecision Output: The standard pro ..
LP2986AIM-3.3 ,Micropower, 200 mA Ultra Low-Dropout Fixed or Adjustable Voltage RegulatorFeaturesn Ultra low dropout voltageThe LP2986 is a 200 mA precision LDO voltage regulatorwhich offe ..
Pulse Width Modulated Control Circuit
June 1989
Pulse Width Modulated Control Circuit
General Description
The LM494isa monolithic integrated circuit which includes
allthe necessary building blocksforthe designof pulse
width modulated (PWM) switching power supplies, including
push-pull, bridgeand series configurations.The devicecan
operateat switching frequencies between1.0 kHz and
300kHzand output voltagesupto 40V.The operating tem-
perature range specifiedforthe LM494Cis 0§Cto70§Cand
forthe LM494Vis b40§Cto a85§C.
Features Uncommitted output transistors capableof 200 mA
sourceor sink On-chip error amplifiers On-chip 5.0V reference Internal protection from double pulsingof outputs with
narrow pulse widthsor with supply voltages below
specified limits Dead time control comparator Output control selects single endedor push-pull opera-
tion Easily synchronized (slaved)to other circuits
Block Diagram
Connection Diagram
Top View
Ordering Information
Device Package Package
Code Code Description
LM494IN N16A MoldedDIP
LM494CJ J16A CeramicDIP
LM494CN N16A MoldedDIP
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.