LM4913MH ,2W Monaural, 90mW Stereo Headphone Audio AmplifierFeaturesThe LM4913 is available a space efficient 10-lead exposed-n Advanced "click and pop" suppre ..
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2W Monaural, 90mW Stereo Headphone Audio Amplifier
LM4913 Monaural, 90mW Stereo Headphone Audio Amplifier
General DescriptionThe unity-gain stable LM4913is botha mono differential
output (for bridge-tied loads,or BTL) audio power amplifier
anda single-ended (SE) stereo headphone amplifier. Oper-
atingona single5V supply,the mono BTL mode delivers 2W
(typ)toa 4Ω load (Note1)at 0.3% THD+N.In SE stereo
mode, the amplifier will deliver 90mWto 32Ω loads. The
LM4913 features circuitry that suppresses output transients
("clicks and pops").
The LM4913is designedfor notebook and other handheld
portable applications.It delivers high quality output power
froma surface-mount package and requires few external
components. The LM4913ispin and functionally compatible
withthe TPA0213.
Other features includean active-low micro-power shutdown
mode and thermal shutdown protection.
The LM4913is availablea space efficient 10-lead exposed-
DAP TSSOP package.
Note1: When operatingona 5VDC supply,an LM4913MHthathas been
properly mountedtoa circuit boardwill deliver2Winto4Ω.Seethe Applica-
tion Information sectionsfor further information concerning PCB layout sug-
gestionsto maximizethe LM4913MH’s output powerwitha4Ω load.
Key Specifications BTL output power (RL =4Ω)
VDD=at 3.0V, THD= 1%
VDD=at 5.0V, THD= 0.3%
660mW (typ) (typ) SE output power (RL =32Ω and THD= 0.1%)
VDD=at 3.0V
VDD=at 5.0V
33mW (typ)
90mW (typ) Micro-power shutdown supply current 1µA (typ)
jPSRR(@ 1kHz, 2.9V≤ VDD≤
5.1V, (Fig.1))
52dB (typ)
62dB (typ)
Features Advanced "click and pop" suppression circuitry Stereo headphone amplifier mode Low current micro-power shutdown mode Thermal shutdown protection circuitry 2.5Vto 5.5V operation Unity-gain stable Gainset with external resistors Space-saving exposed-DAP TSSOP package
Applications PDAs Cellular phones Handheld portable electronic devices
Connection Diagram200617A0
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Order Number LM4913MH
SeeNS package Number MXF10ADecember 2002