LM4902MM/NOPB ,265mW at 3.3V Supply Audio Power Amplifier with Shutdown Mode 8-VSSOP -40 to 85features an externally controlled, low• Cellular Phonespower consumption shutdown mode, and thermal ..
LM4902MMX ,265mW at 3.3V Supply Audio Power Amplifier with Shutdown Modefeatures an externally controlled, low powern Thermal shutdown protection circuitryconsumption shut ..
LM4902MMX ,265mW at 3.3V Supply Audio Power Amplifier with Shutdown ModeFeaturesage while requiring a minimal amount of external compo-nents. Since the LM4902 does not req ..
LM4903MM ,1 Watt Audio Power Amplifierapplications. It is capable ofjdelivering 1 watt of continuous average power to an 8Ω BTL Power Out ..
LM4903MM ,1 Watt Audio Power Amplifierfeatures an internal ther-n No output coupling capacitors, snubber networks ormal shutdown protecti ..
LM4903MM ,1 Watt Audio Power AmplifierApplicationsexternal gain-setting resistors.n Mobile Phonesn PDAsn Portable electronic devicesTypic ..
LP2985IM5-2.7 ,Micropower 150 mA Low-Noise Ultra Low-Dropout Regulator in SOT-23 and micro SMD PackagesFeaturesn Ultra low dropout voltageThe LP2985 is a 150 mA, fixed-output voltage regulatordesigned t ..
LP2985IM5-2.7 ,Micropower 150 mA Low-Noise Ultra Low-Dropout Regulator in SOT-23 and micro SMD Packagesapplications.n Smallest possible size (SOT-23, micro SMD package)™Using an optimized VIP (Verticall ..
LP2985IM5-2.8 ,Micropower 150 mA Low-Noise Ultra Low-Dropout Regulator in SOT-23 and micro SMD PackagesLP2985 Micropower 150 mA Low-Noise Ultra Low-Dropout Regulator in SOT-23 and micro SMDPackagesMarch ..
LP2985IM5-2.9 ,Micropower 150 mA Low-Noise Ultra Low-Dropout Regulator in SOT-23 and micro SMD Packagesapplications.n Smallest possible size (SOT-23, micro SMD package)™Using an optimized VIP (Verticall ..
LP2985IM5-2.9 ,Micropower 150 mA Low-Noise Ultra Low-Dropout Regulator in SOT-23 and micro SMD PackagesFeaturesn Ultra low dropout voltageThe LP2985 is a 150 mA, fixed-output voltage regulatordesigned t ..
LP2985IM5-2.9 ,Micropower 150 mA Low-Noise Ultra Low-Dropout Regulator in SOT-23 and micro SMD PackagesFeaturesn Ultra low dropout voltageThe LP2985 is a 150 mA, fixed-output voltage regulatordesigned t ..
265mW at 3.3V Supply Audio Power Amplifier with Shutdown Mode 8-VSSOP -40 to 85
www.ti.com SNAS150D –DECEMBER 2001–REVISED APRIL 2013
LM4902 Boomer™ Audio Power Amplifier Series 265mWat 3.3V Supply Audio Power
Amplifier with Shutdown Mode
Checkfor Samples: LM4902
1FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LM4902isa bridged audio power amplifier
23• VSSOP and WSON Packaging capableof delivering 265mWof continuous average
• No Output Coupling Capacitors, Bootstrap power into an 8Ω load with 1% THD+N froma 3.3V
Capacitors,or Snubber Circuits are Necessary power supply.
Thermal Shutdown Protection Circuitry Boomer™ audio power amplifiers were designed
• Unity-Gain Stable specificallyto provide high quality output power from low supply voltage while requiringa minimal
• External Gain Configuration Capabilityamountof external components. Since the LM4902
• Latest Generation "Click and Pop" does not require output coupling capacitors, bootstrap
Suppression Circuitry capacitorsor snubber networks,itis optimally suited
for low-power portable applications.
APPLICATIONSThe LM4902 features an externally controlled, low
• Cellular Phones power consumption shutdown mode, and thermal
PDA's shutdown protection.
Any Portable Audio Application The closed loop response of the unity-gain stable
LM4902 can be configured by external gain-setting
THD+Nat 1kHz for 265mW Continuous
Average Output Power into 8Ω, VDD= 3.3V
1.0% (max) THD+Nat 1kHz for 675mW Continuous
Average Output Power into 8Ω, VDD= 5V 1.0%
(max) Shutdown Current 0.1µA (typ)