LM4895MMX ,1 Watt Fully Differential Audio Power Amplifier With Shutdown Select and Fixed 6dB Gainfeatures a low-power consumption shutdownn Can drive capacitive loads up to 500 pFmode. To facilita ..
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LM4898 ,1 Watt Fully Differential Audio Power Amplifier With Shutdown SelectFeaturesprovide high quality output power with a minimal amount ofexternal components. The LM4898 d ..
LM4898ITL ,1 Watt Fully Differential Audio Power Amplifier With Shutdown Selectfeatures an internal thermaln Shutdown high or low selectivityshutdown protection mechanism.The LM4 ..
LM4898ITLX ,1 Watt Fully Differential Audio Power Amplifier With Shutdown SelectFeaturesprovide high quality output power with a minimal amount ofexternal components. The LM4898 d ..
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LP2985IBL-1.8 ,Micropower 150 mA Low-Noise Low-Dropout Regulator in SOT-23 and micro SMD packages for Applications with Output Voltages [Less_Than_Or_Equal] ...ApplicationsPrecision Output: 1% tolerance output voltages availablen Cellular Phone(A grade).n Pal ..
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LP2985IBLX-1.8 ,Micropower 150 mA Low-Noise Low-Dropout Regulator in SOT-23 and micro SMD packages for Applications with Output Voltages [Less_Than_Or_Equal] ...Applications with Output Voltages ≤ 2.3VMay 2004LP2985LVMicropower 150 mA Low-Noise Low-Dropout Reg ..
LP2985IBLX-1.8 ,Micropower 150 mA Low-Noise Low-Dropout Regulator in SOT-23 and micro SMD packages for Applications with Output Voltages [Less_Than_Or_Equal] ...Applicationswith Output Voltages ≤ 2.3VDesigned for Use with Very Low ESR Output Capacitors
LP2985IBPX-2.5 ,Micropower 150 mA Low-Noise Ultra Low-Dropout Regulator in SOT-23 and micro SMD PackagesApplicationsuse absolute minimum board space.n Cellular PhonePrecision Output: 1% tolerance output ..
1 Watt Fully Differential Audio Power Amplifier With Shutdown Select and Fixed 6dB Gain
LM4895 Watt Fully Differential Audio Power Amplifier With
Shutdown Select and Fixed 6dB Gain
General DescriptionThe LM4895isa fully differential audio power amplifier
primarily designedfor demanding applicationsin mobile
phones and other portable communication device applica-
tions.Itis capableof delivering1 wattof continuous average
powertoan8Ω load with less than 1% distortion (THD+N)
froma 5VDC power supply.
Boomer audio power amplifiers were designed specificallyto
provide high quality output power witha minimal amountof
external components. The LM4895 doesnot require output
coupling capacitorsor bootstrap capacitors, and thereforeis
ideally suitedfor mobile phone and other low voltage appli-
cations where minimal power consumptionisa primaryre-
The LM4895 featuresa low-power consumption shutdown
mode.To facilitate this, Shutdown maybe enabledby either
logic highor low dependingon mode selection. Driving the
shutdown modepin either highor low enablesthe shutdown
selectpintobe drivenina likewise mannerto enable Shut-
down. Additionally, the LM4895 featuresan internal thermal
shutdown protection mechanism.
The LM4895 contains advanced pop& click circuitry which
eliminates noises which would otherwise occur during
turn-on and turn-off transitions.
The LM4895 hasan internally fixed gainof 6dB.
Key Specifications Improved PSRRat 217Hz 80dB Power Outputat 5.0V& 1% THD 1.0W(typ.) Power Outputat 3.3V& 1% THD 400mW(typ.) Shutdown Current 0.1µA(typ.)
Features Fully differential amplification Internal-gain-setting resistors Availablein space-saving packages micro SMD, MSOP
and LLP Ultra low current shutdown mode Can drive capacitive loadsupto 500pF Improved pop& click circuitry eliminates noises during
turn-on and turn-off transitions 2.2- 5.5V operation No output coupling capacitors, snubber networksor
bootstrap capacitors required Shutdown highor low selectivity
Applications Mobile phones PDAs Portable electronic devices
Typical ApplicationFIGURE1. Typical Audio Amplifier Application Circuit
October 2002