LM4892IBP ,1 Watt Audio Power Amplifier with Headphone Senseapplications. It is capable ofjdelivering 1 watt of continuous average power to an 8Ω BTL Power Out ..
LM4892IBPX ,1 Watt Audio Power Amplifier with Headphone SenseFeaturesBoomer audio power amplifiers are designed specifically to n Available in space-saving pack ..
LM4892ITPX ,1 Watt Audio Power Amplifier with Headphone SenseApplicationsexternal gain-setting resistors.n Mobile Phonesn PDAsn Portable electronic devicesTypic ..
LM4892M ,1 Watt Audio Power Amplifier with Headphone SenseGeneral Description Key SpecificationsThe LM4892 is an audio power amplifier primarily designedj PS ..
LM4892M ,1 Watt Audio Power Amplifier with Headphone SenseElectrical Characteristics V =5V (Notes 1, 2)DDThe following specifications apply for V = 5V, A = 2 ..
LM4892MM ,1 Watt Audio Power Amplifier with Headphone SenseLM4892 1 Watt Audio Power Amplifier with Headphone SenseOctober 2002LM48921 Watt Audio Power Amplif ..
LP2985AIM5X-3.8 ,Micropower 150 mA Low-Noise Ultra Low-Dropout Regulator in SOT-23 and micro SMD PackagesLP2985 Micropower 150 mA Low-Noise Ultra Low-Dropout Regulator in SOT-23 and micro SMDPackagesMarch ..
LP2985AIM5X-4.0 ,Micropower 150 mA Low-Noise Ultra Low-Dropout Regulator in SOT-23 and micro SMD PackagesApplicationsuse absolute minimum board space.n Cellular PhonePrecision Output: 1% tolerance output ..
LP2985AIM5X-4.0 ,Micropower 150 mA Low-Noise Ultra Low-Dropout Regulator in SOT-23 and micro SMD Packagesapplications.n Smallest possible size (SOT-23, micro SMD package)™Using an optimized VIP (Verticall ..
LP2985AIM5X-4.0 ,Micropower 150 mA Low-Noise Ultra Low-Dropout Regulator in SOT-23 and micro SMD PackagesFeaturesn Ultra low dropout voltageThe LP2985 is a 150 mA, fixed-output voltage regulatordesigned t ..
LP2985AIM5X-4.5 , Micropower 150 mA Low-Noise Ultra Low-Dropout Regulator in SOT-23 and DSBGA Packages Designed for Use with Very Low ESR Output Capacitors
LP2985AIM5X-4.5 , Micropower 150 mA Low-Noise Ultra Low-Dropout Regulator in SOT-23 and DSBGA Packages Designed for Use with Very Low ESR Output Capacitors
1 Watt Audio Power Amplifier with Headphone Sense
LM4892 Watt Audio Power Amplifier with Headphone Sense
General DescriptionThe LM4892isan audio power amplifier primarily designed
for demanding applicationsin mobile phones and other por-
table communication device applications.Itis capableof
delivering1 wattof continuous average powertoan8Ω BTL
load with less than 1% distortion (THD+N) froma 5VDC
power supply. Switching between bridged speaker mode and
headphone (single-ended) modeis accomplished using the
headphone sense pin.
Boomer audio power amplifiers are designed specificallyto
provide high quality output power witha minimal amountof
external components. The LM4892 doesnot require output
coupling capacitorsor bootstrap capacitors, and thereforeis
ideally suitedfor mobile phone and other low voltage appli-
cations where minimal power consumptionisa primaryre-
The LM4892 featuresa low-power consumption shutdown
mode, whichis achievedby driving the shutdownpin with
logic low. Additionally,the LM4892 featuresan internal ther-
mal shutdown protection mechanism.
The LM4892 contains advanced pop& click circuitry which
eliminates noise which would otherwise occur during turn-on
and turn-off transitions.
The LM4892is unity-gain stable and canbe configuredby
external gain-setting resistors.
Key Specifications PSRRat 217Hz, VDD= 5V,8Ω Load 62dB (typ) Power Outputat 5.0V& 1% THD 1.0W (typ) Power Outputat 3.3V& 1% THD 400mW (typ) Shutdown Current 0.1µA (typ)
Features Availablein space-saving packages: LLP, micro SMD,
MSOP, and SOIC Ultra low current shutdown mode BTL output can drive capacitive loadsupto 500pF Improved pop& click circuitry eliminates noise during
turn-on and turn-off transitions 2.2- 5.5V operation No output coupling capacitors, snubber networksor
bootstrap capacitors required Thermal shutdown protection Unity-gain stable External gain configuration capability Headphone amplifier mode
Applications Mobile Phones PDAs Portable electronic devices
Typical ApplicationFIGURE1. Typical Audio Amplifier Application Circuit (Pin#’s apply toM&MM packages)
October 2002