LM4871MM/NOPB ,Boomer Series: 3W Audio Amplifier with Shutdown Mode 8-VSSOP -40 to 85features include thermal shutdown– LM4871LD: 3Ω , 4Ω Loads; 3W (typ),protection, unity-gain stabili ..
LM4871MMX ,3W Audio Power Amplifier with Shutdown ModeFeaturesfew external components and operate on low supply volt-n No output coupling capacitors, boo ..
LM4871MMX ,3W Audio Power Amplifier with Shutdown ModeGeneral Description Key Specificationsn PO at 10% THD+N, 1kHzThe LM4871 is a mono bridged audio pow ..
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3W Audio Power Amplifier with Shutdown Mode
www.ti.com SNAS002F –FEBRUARY 2000–REVISED MAY 2013
LM4871 3W Audio Power Amplifier with Shutdown Mode
Checkfor Samples: LM4871
1FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LM4871isa mono bridged audio power amplifier
No Output Coupling Capacitors, Bootstrap capable of delivering 3W of continuous average
Capacitors,or Snubber Circuits Required power intoa 3Ω load with less than 10% THD when
• Unity-gain Stable powered bya 5V power supply (see Note). To
WSON, VSSOP, SOIC,or PDIP Packaging conserve power in portable applications, the
LM4871's micropower shutdown mode (IQ= 0.6µ A,
• External Gain Configuration Capability typ) is activated when VDD is applied to the
• Pin Compatible with the LM4861 SHUTDOWN pin.
Boomer audio power amplifiers are designed
APPLICATIONS specificallyto provide high power, high fidelity audio
• Portable Computers output. They require few external components and
Desktop Computers operate on low supply voltages from 2.0Vto 5.5V.
Since the LM4871 does not require output coupling
• Low Voltage Audio Systems capacitors, bootstrap capacitors, or snubber
networks,itis ideally suited for low-power portable
KEY SPECIFICATIONS systems that require minimum volume and weight.
POat 10% THD+N, 1kHz Additional LM4871 features include thermal shutdown
– LM4871LD: 3Ω, 4Ω Loads; 3W (typ), protection, unity-gain stability, and external gain set.
2.5W (typ) Note: An LM4871LD that has been properly mounted
– All other LM4871 Packages: 8Ω load toa circuit board will deliver 3W into 3Ω (at 10%
1.5W (typ) THD). The other package options for the LM4871 will
Shutdown Current 0.6µA (typ) deliver 1.5W into 8Ω (at 10% THD). See the
Application Information section for further information
• Supply Voltage Range 2.0Vto 5.5V concerning the LM4871LD, LM4871MM, LM4871M,
• THDat 1kHzat 1W Continuous Average and the LM4871N.
Output Power into 8Ω 0.5% (max)
Connection Diagrams and PDIP Figure2. WSON (Top See Package NGN0008A D0008A,or