LM4870M ,1.1W Audio Power Amplifier with Shutdown ModeApplicationsternal monitoring. The LM4870 is unity-gain stable and then Personal computersgain is s ..
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1.1W Audio Power Amplifier with Shutdown Mode
1.1W Audio Power Amplifier with Shutdown Mode
General DescriptionThe LM4870is abridge-connected audio poweramplifierca-
pableof delivering 1.1Wof continuous average powertoan
8Ωload withlessthan0.5% THD+N overthe audiospectrum
froma5V power supply.
Boomer audiopower amplifiers were designed specificallyto
provide high quality output powerwitha minimal numberof
external components. Sincethe LM4870 doesnot require
output coupling capacitors, bootstrap capacitorsor snubber
networks,itis optimally suitedfor low-power portable sys-
The LM4870 featuresan externally controlled, low-power
consumption shutdown mode,aswellasan internal thermal
shutdown protection mechanism.It also includestwo head-
phone control inputsanda headphone sense outputforex-
ternal monitoring. The LM4870is unity-gain stable andthe
gainisset using external resistors.
Key Specifications THD+Nat1Winto8Ω 0.5% (max) Output powerinto8Ωat 1kHz 10%THD+N
1.5W (typ) Shutdown Current 0.6μA (typ)
FeaturesNo output coupling capacitors, bootstrap capacitors,or
snubber circuitsare necessary Small Outline (SOIC) power packaging Unity-gain stable External gain configuration capability
Applications Personal computers Desktop computers Low voltage audio system
Typical Application Connection Diagram
Boomer®isaregistered trademarkof NationalSemiconductor Corporation.
FIGURE1. Typical Audio Amplifier Application Circuit
Small Outline PackageDS100094-2
Top View
Order Number LM4870M
SeeNS Package Number M16AOctober 1997
Mode©1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS100094