LM4830M ,Two-Way Audio Amplification System with Volume ControlapplicationsConnection DiagramDual-In-Line andSmall Outline PackagesDS012677-2Top ViewOrder Number ..
LM4830M ,Two-Way Audio Amplification System with Volume ControlFeaturesis a 30 dB attenuator in front of a bridged power amplifiern 4-bit digital control for 30 d ..
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Two-Way Audio Amplification System with Volume Control
Two-Way Audio Amplification System
with Volume Control
General DescriptionThe LM4830isan integrated solutionfor two-way audioam-
plification.It containsa bridge-connected audiopower ampli-
fier capableof delivering 1Wof continuous averagepowerto8Ω loadwith less than1% THD froma5V power supply. also has the capabilityof driving 100 mW intoa
single-ended 32Ω impedancefor headset operation. Therea30dB attenuatorin frontofa bridged power amplifier
with6dBof gain.The attenuationis controlled through4bits parallel digital control;15 stepsof2dB each.
The devicealso containsa microphone preamp withtwose-
lectable inputs.Mic2is selectedwhenHSis highandA1isin
single-ended mode. Mic1is selected whenHSis lowandA1in bridged mode. This configuration isoptimumfor switch-
ing betweenan internal system speakerand external head-
set with microphone.The device also incorporatesa buffer
usedfor driving capacitive loads.
The LM4830 also providesa low-current consumption shut-
down mode makingit optimally suitedforlow-power portable
systems.In addition,the devicehasan internal thermal shut-
down protection mechanism.
Key Specifications THDat1W cont.avgPOinto 8Ω:1% (max) Instantaneous peak output power: 1.4W Shutdown current: 0.5μA (typ) Supply voltage range: 2.7V≤VDD≤ 5.5V
Features 4-bit digital controlfor30dBof volume attenuation Two selectable microphone inputs High performance microphone preamp Extra bufferfor driving long cablesNo bootstrap capacitorsor snubber circuitsare
necessary Small Outline (SO) packaging Thermal shutdown protection circuitry
Applications Hands-free phone systems Mobile phone accessories Desktop conference phones Portable computers Teleconference computer applications
Connection Diagram
Dual-In-Line and
Small Outline PackagesDS012677-2
Top View
Order Number LM4830M
SeeNS Package Number M24BforSO
Order Number LM4830N
SeeNS Package Number N24AforDIPJanuary 1999
Control 1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS012677