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350mW Audio Power Amplifier with Shutdown Mode
350mW Audio Power Amplifier with Shutdown Mode
General DescriptionThe LM4819isa mono bridged power amplifier thatis ca-
pableof delivering 350mWRMS output power intoa 16Ω load 300mWRMS output power intoan 8Ω load with 10%
THD+N froma5V power supply.
The LM4819 Boomer audio power amplifieris designed
specificallyto provide high quality output power and mini-
mize PCB area with surface mount packaging anda minimal
amountof external components. Sincethe LM4819 doesnot
require output coupling capacitors, bootstrap capacitorsor
snubber networks,itis optimally suitedfor low-power por-
table applications.
The closed loop responseof the unity-gain stable LM4819
canbe configured using external gain-setting resistors. The
deviceis availablein LLP, MSOP, and SO package typesto
suit various applications.
Key Specifications THD+Nat 1kHz, 350mW continuous average output
power into 16Ω 10% (max) THD+Nat 1kHz, 300mW continuous average output
power into8Ω 10% (max) Shutdown Current 0.7μA (typ)
Features LLP, SOP, and MSOP surface mount packaging. Switch on/off click suppression. Unity-gain stable. Minimum external components.
Applications General purpose audio Portable electronic devices Information Appliances (IA)
Typical ApplicationDS200136-1
FIGURE1. Typical Audio Amplifier Application CircuitApril 2002