LM4675SD NOPB ,Ultra-Low EMI, Filterless, 2.65W, Mono, Class D Audio Power Amplifier with Spread Spectrum 8-WSON Electrical CharacteristicsThe following specifications apply for A = 2V/V (R = 150kΩ), R = 15µH + 8 ..
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Ultra-Low EMI, Filterless, 2.65W, Mono, Class D Audio Power Amplifier with Spread Spectrum
LM4675, LM4675SDBD, LM4675TLBD
www.ti.com SNAS353C –AUGUST 2006–REVISED MAY 2013
LM4675 Ultra-Low EMI, Filterless, 2.65W, Mono, ClassD
Audio Power Amplifier with Spread Spectrum
Checkfor Samples: LM4675, LM4675SDBD, LM4675TLBD
1FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LM4675 isa single supply, high efficiency,
Spread Spectrum Architecture Reduces EMI 2.65W, mono, ClassD audio amplifier.A spread
• Mono ClassD Operation spectrum, filterless PWM architecture reduces EMI
No Output Filter Required for Inductive Loads and eliminates the output filter, reducing external
component count, board area consumption, system
• Externally Configurable Gain cost, and simplifying design.
• Very Fast Turn On Time: 17μs (typ)The LM4675is designedto meet the demandsof
• Minimum External Components mobile phones and other portable communication
• "Click and Pop" Suppression Circuitry devices. Operating ona single 5V supply,it is
Micro-Power Shutdown Mode capableof drivinga 4Ω speaker loadata continuous
average outputof 2.2W with less than 1% THD+N.Its
• Availablein Space-Saving 0.5mm Pitch flexible power supply requirements allow operation
DSBGA and WSON Packages from 2.4Vto 5.5V. The wide band spread spectrum
architecture of the LM4675 reduces EMI-radiated
APPLICATIONS emissions dueto the modulator frequency.
Mobile Phones The LM4675 has high efficiency with speaker loads
• PDAs comparedtoa typical Class AB amplifier. Witha 3.6V
Portable Electronic Devices supply drivingan 8Ω speaker, the IC's efficiency fora
100mW power levelis 80%, reaching 89%at 400mW
output power.
KEY SPECIFICATIONSThe LM4675 featuresa low-power consumption
• Efficiencyat 3.6V, 400mW into 8Ω Speaker: shutdown mode. Shutdown may be enabled by
89% (typ) driving the Shutdown pintoa logic low (GND).
• Efficiencyat 3.6V, 100mW into 8Ω Speaker:The gain of the LM4675is externally configurable
80% (typ)which allows independent gain control from multiple
• Efficiencyat 5V, 1W into 8Ω Speaker: 89% sourcesby summing the signals. Output short circuit
(typ) and thermal overload protection prevent the device
• Quiescent Current, 3.6V Supply: 2.2mA (typ) from damage during fault conditions.
Supply Current: 0.01µA 5.5V