LM4666SD/NOPB ,Filterless High Efficiency Stereo 1.2W Switching Audio Amplifier 14-WSON -40 to 85Electrical Characteristics V = 5VDDThe following specifications apply for V = 5V and R = 15µH + 8Ω ..
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LM4667ITLX ,Filterless High Efficiency 1.3W Switching Audio AmplifierFeaturesing on a single 3V supply, it is capable of driving 8Ω trans-n No output filter required fo ..
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LP2960IM-5.0 ,Adjustable Micropower 0.5A Low-Dropout RegulatorsElectrical Characteristics Limits in standard typeface are for T = 25˚C, and limits in boldface typ ..
Filterless High Efficiency Stereo 1.2W Switching Audio Amplifier 14-WSON -40 to 85
LM4666, LM4666SDBD
www.ti.com SNAS189A –MAY 2004–REVISED MAY 2013
LM4666 Filterless High Efficiency Stereo 1.2W Switching
Audio Amplifier
Checkfor Samples: LM4666, LM4666SDBD
1FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LM4666isa fully integrated single-supply high
No Output Filter Required for Inductive efficiency switching audio amplifier.It features an
Transducers innovative modulator that eliminates the LC output
• Selectable Gainof 6dBor 12dB filter used with typical switching amplifiers.
Very Fast Turn On Time: 6ms (typ) Eliminating the output filter reduces parts count,
simplifies circuit design, and reduces board area. The
• Minimum External Components LM4666 processes analog inputs witha delta-sigma
• "Click and Pop" Suppression Circuitry modulation technique that lowers output noise and
Micro-Power Shutdown Mode THD when compared to conventional pulse width
• Short Circuit Protection Availablein Space-Saving NHK0014A Package The LM4666is designedto meet the demandsof
mobile phones and other portable communication
devices. Operating ona single 3V supply,it is
APPLICATIONS capable of driving 8Ω transducer loads at a
• Mobile Phones continuous average outputof 450mW with less than
PDAs 1%THD+N. Its flexible power supply requirements
allow operation from 2.8Vto 5.5V.
• Portable Electronic DevicesThe LM4666 has high efficiency with an 8Ω
KEY SPECIFICATIONS transducer load compared toa typical Class AB
amplifier. Witha 3V supply, the IC's efficiency fora
• Efficiencyat 3V, 100mW into 8Ω Transducer: 100mW power levelis 79%, reaching 84%at 450mW
79% (typ) output power.
• Efficiencyat 3V, 450mW into 8Ω Transducer: The LM4666 featuresa low-power consumption
84% (typ) shutdown mode. Shutdown may be enabled by
• Efficiencyat 5V, 1W into 8Ω Transducer: 85% driving the Shutdown pintoa logic low (GND).
(typ) The LM4666 has fixed selectable gainof either 6dB
• Total Quiescent Power Supply Current: 7.0mA or 12dB. The LM4666 has short circuit protection
(typ) againsta short from the outputsto VDDor GND.
Supply Current: 0.02µA 2.8V 5.5V