LM4665LD ,Filterless High Efficiency 1W Switching Audio Amplifierfeaturesaninnovativemodulatorj Efficiency at 400mW into 8Ω transducer 80%(typ)thateliminatestheLCou ..
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LM4666SD ,Filterless High Efficiency Stereo 1.2W Switching Audio Amplifierfeatures a low-power consumption shutdown n Available in space-saving SDA packagemode. Shutdown may ..
LM4666SD/NOPB ,Filterless High Efficiency Stereo 1.2W Switching Audio Amplifier 14-WSON -40 to 85Electrical Characteristics V = 5VDDThe following specifications apply for V = 5V and R = 15µH + 8Ω ..
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LP2960AIM-3.3 ,Adjustable Micropower 0.5A Low-Dropout RegulatorsGeneral Descriptionn 16-pin SO packageThe LP2960 is a micropower voltage regulator with very lown L ..
LP2960AIM-3.3 ,Adjustable Micropower 0.5A Low-Dropout RegulatorsApplications5% out of regulation.Reverse battery protection is provided. n High-efficiency linear r ..
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LP2960AIM-5.0 ,Adjustable Micropower 0.5A Low-Dropout RegulatorsGeneral Descriptionn 16-pin SO packageThe LP2960 is a micropower voltage regulator with very lown L ..
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LP2960AIMX-5.0 ,Adjustable Micropower 0.5A Low-Dropout RegulatorsGeneral Descriptionn 16-pin SO packageThe LP2960 is a micropower voltage regulator with very lown L ..
Filterless High Efficiency 1W Switching Audio Amplifier
Filterless High Efficiency 1W Switching Audio Amplifier
General DescriptionThe LM4665isa fully integrated single-supply high efficiency
switching audio amplifier.It featuresan innovative modulator
that eliminatestheLC output filter used with typical switching
amplifiers. Eliminating the output filter reduces parts count,
simplifies circuit design, and reduces board area. The
LM4665 processes analog inputs witha delta-sigma modu-
lation technique that lowers output noise and THD when
comparedto conventional pulse width modulators.
The LM4665is designedto meet the demandsof mobile
phones and other portable communication devices. Operat-
ingona single3V supply,itis capableof driving8Ω trans-
ducer loadsata continuous average outputof 400mW with
less than 2%THD+N.
The LM4665 has high efficiency withan8Ω transducer load
comparedtoa typical ClassAB amplifier. Witha3V supply,
the IC’s efficiencyfora 100mW power levelis 75%, reaching
80%at 400mW output power.
The LM4665 featuresa low-power consumption shutdown
mode. Shutdown maybe enabledby eithera logic highor
low dependingonthe mode selection. Connectingthe Shut-
down Mode pinto either VDD (high)or GND (low) enables
the Shutdown pintobe drivenina likewise mannerto
activate shutdown.
The LM4665 has fixed selectable gainof either 6dBor 12dB.
The LM4665 has short circuit protection againsta short from
the outputsto VDD, GNDor acrossthe outputs.
Key Specifications Efficiencyat 100mW into8Ω transducer 75%(typ) Efficiencyat 400mW into8Ω transducer 80%(typ) Total quiescent power supply current (3V) 3mA(typ) Total shutdown power supply current (3V) 0.01µA(typ) Single supply range (MSOP& LD) 2.7Vto 5.5V Single supply range (ITL) (Note 11) 2.7Vto 3.8V
Features No output filter requiredfor inductive transducers Selectable gainof 6dB (2V/V)or 12dB (4V/V) Very fast turnon time: 5ms (typ) User selectable shutdown Highor Low logic level Minimum external components "Click and pop" suppression circuitry Micro-power shutdown mode Short circuit protection micro SMD, LLP, and MSOP packages (no heat sink
Applications Mobile phones PDAs Portable electronic devices
Typical ApplicationFIGURE1. Typical Audio Amplifier Application Circuit
December 2002