LM4665 ,Filterless High Efficiency 1W Switching Audio Amplifierfeaturesaninnovativemodulatorj Efficiency at 400mW into 8Ω transducer 80%(typ)thateliminatestheLCou ..
LM4665LD ,Filterless High Efficiency 1W Switching Audio Amplifierfeaturesaninnovativemodulatorj Efficiency at 400mW into 8Ω transducer 80%(typ)thateliminatestheLCou ..
LM4666 ,Filterless High Efficiency Stereo 1.2W Switching Audio AmplifierFeaturesing on a single 3V supply, it is capable of driving 8Ω trans-n No output filter required fo ..
LM4666SD ,Filterless High Efficiency Stereo 1.2W Switching Audio Amplifierfeatures a low-power consumption shutdown n Available in space-saving SDA packagemode. Shutdown may ..
LM4666SD/NOPB ,Filterless High Efficiency Stereo 1.2W Switching Audio Amplifier 14-WSON -40 to 85Electrical Characteristics V = 5VDDThe following specifications apply for V = 5V and R = 15µH + 8Ω ..
LM4666SDX ,Filterless High Efficiency Stereo 1.2W Switching Audio AmplifierGeneral Description Key SpecificationsTheLM4666isafullyintegratedsingle-supplyhighefficiencyj Effic ..
LP2960AIM-3.3 ,Adjustable Micropower 0.5A Low-Dropout RegulatorsElectrical Characteristics Limits in standard typeface are for T = 25˚C, and limits in boldface typ ..
LP2960AIM-3.3 ,Adjustable Micropower 0.5A Low-Dropout RegulatorsGeneral Descriptionn 16-pin SO packageThe LP2960 is a micropower voltage regulator with very lown L ..
LP2960AIM-3.3 ,Adjustable Micropower 0.5A Low-Dropout RegulatorsApplications5% out of regulation.Reverse battery protection is provided. n High-efficiency linear r ..
LP2960AIM-5.0 ,Adjustable Micropower 0.5A Low-Dropout RegulatorsElectrical Characteristics Limits in standard typeface are for T = 25˚C, and limits in boldface typ ..
LP2960AIM-5.0 ,Adjustable Micropower 0.5A Low-Dropout RegulatorsGeneral Descriptionn 16-pin SO packageThe LP2960 is a micropower voltage regulator with very lown L ..
LP2960AIMX-3.3 ,Adjustable Micropower 0.5A Low-Dropout RegulatorsLP2960 Adjustable Micropower 0.5A Low-Dropout RegulatorsApril 2002LP2960Adjustable Micropower 0.5A ..
2.5 W Stereo Class D Audio Power Amplifier
LM4663 Watt Stereo Class D Audio Power Amplifier with Stereo
Headphone Amplifier
General DescriptionThe LM4663isa fully integrated single supply, high effi-
ciency ClassD audio power amplifier solution. The LM4663
utilizesa continuous time delta-sigma modulation technique
that lowers output noise and THD when comparedto con-
ventional pulse width modulators.
The LM4663 also featuresa stereo headphone amplifier that
delivers 80mW intoa 32Ω headset with less than 0.5% THD.
The LM4663 has two stereo inputs that canbe selectedto
drive eitherthe headphone amplifierorthe ClassD amplifier.
All amplifiers are protected with thermal shutdown. standby mode, the LM4663 drawsan extremely low 2µA
supply current. Witha 4Ω load, the IC’s efficiency fora
250mW power levelis 69%, reaching 83%ata power level 2W. TheIC features click and pop reduction circuitry that
minimizes audible popping during device turn-on and turn-
off. The LM4663is availableina 24-lead TSSOP package,
idealfor portable and desktop computer applications.
Key Specifications POat THD+N=1% 2.1W (typ) THD+Nat 1kHzat1 Watt into4Ω (Power
Amp) 0.2% (typ) Efficiencyat2 Watt into4Ω 83% (typ) Efficiencyat 250mW into4Ω 69% (typ) Total quiescent power supply current 22mA (typ) Total shutdown power supply current 2µA (typ) THD+N 1kHz, 20mW, 32Ω (Headphone) 0.15% (typ) Single supply range 4.5Vto 5.5V
Features Delta-sigma modulator. Two stereo input selector. “Click and pop” suppression circuitry. Micropower shutdown mode.24 lead TSSOP package (No heatsink required). Stereo headphone amplifier.
Applications Portable computers Desktop computers Multimedia Monitors
Block DiagramConnection Diagram
TSSOP Package
Top View
Order Number LM4663MT
SeeNS Package Number MTC24
(TSSOP Package)
February 2004