LM45B ,SOT-23 Precision Centigrade Temperature SensorLM45B/LM45CSOT-23PrecisionCentigradeTemperatureSensorsMay1995LM45B/LM45CSOT-23PrecisionCentigradeTe ..
LM45BIM3 ,SOT-23 Precision Centigrade Temperature SensorGeneral Descriptionn HVACThe LM45 series are precision integrated-circuit temperaturen Power Supply ..
LM45BIM3X ,SOT-23 Precision Centigrade Temperature SensorLM45 SOT-23 Precision Centigrade Temperature SensorsAugust 1999LM45SOT-23 Precision Centigrade Temp ..
LM45CIM3 ,SOT-23 Precision Centigrade Temperature SensorApplicationsDS011754-3DS011754-4FIGURE 1. Basic Centigrade TemperatureChoose R =−V /50 μASensor (+2 ..
LM45CIM3X ,SOT-23 Precision Centigrade Temperature SensorLM45 SOT-23 Precision Centigrade Temperature SensorsAugust 1999LM45SOT-23 Precision Centigrade Temp ..
LM45CIM3X-NOPB ,?2?C Analog Output Temperature Sensor 3-SOT-23 -20 to 100Electrical CharacteristicsUnless otherwise noted, these specifications apply for +V = +5Vdc and I = ..
LP2954IM ,5V Micropower Low-Dropout Voltage RegulatorLP2954/LP2954A 5V and Adjustable Micropower Low-Dropout Voltage RegulatorsJune 1999LP2954/LP2954A5V ..
LP2954IMX ,5V Micropower Low-Dropout Voltage RegulatorLP2954/LP2954A 5V and Adjustable Micropower Low-Dropout Voltage RegulatorsJune 1999LP2954/LP2954A5V ..
LP2954IS ,5V Micropower Low-Dropout Voltage RegulatorLP2954/LP2954A 5V and Adjustable Micropower Low-Dropout Voltage RegulatorsJune 1999LP2954/LP2954A5V ..
LP2954IS/NOPB ,5V Micropower Low-Dropout Voltage Regulator 3-DDPAK/TO-263 -40 to 125Features 3 DescriptionThe LP2954 is a 5-V micropower LDO with very low1• 5-V Output within 1.2% Ove ..
LP2954IT ,5V Micropower Low-Dropout Voltage RegulatorFeaturesn 5V output within 1.2% over temperature (A grade)The LP2954 is a 5V micropower voltage reg ..
LP2956AIM ,Dual Micropower Low-Dropout Voltage Regulatorfeatures.n Extremely tight line and load regulationThe auxiliary output is always on (regardless of ..
SOT-23 Precision Centigrade Temperature Sensor
May 1995
SOT-23 Precision Centigrade Temperature Sensors
General Description
The LM45 seriesare precision integrated-circuit tempera-
ture sensors, whose outputvoltageis linearlyproportionalto
the Celsius (Centigrade) temperature. The LM45 doesnot
requireany external calibrationor trimmingto provide accu-
raciesof g2§Cat room temperatureand g3§C overafull
b20to a100§C temperature range. Low costis assuredby
trimmingand calibrationatthe wafer level.The LM45’slow
output impedance, linear output, and precise inherent cali-
bration make interfacingto readoutor control circuitry espe-
ciallyeasy. Itcanbe usedwitha singlepowersupply,orwith
plusand minus supplies.Asit draws only 120mA fromits
supply,ithas verylow self-heating, less than 0.2§Cinstill
air.The LM45is ratedto operate overa b20§to a100§C
temperature range.
Applications Battery Management FAX Machines Printers Portable Medical Instruments HVAC Power Supply Modules Disk Drives Computers Automotive
Features Calibrated directlyin§ Celsius (Centigrade) Lineara 10.0 mV/§C scale factor g3§C accuracy guaranteed Ratedforfull b20§to a100§C range Suitablefor remote applications Low costdueto wafer-level trimming Operates from 4.0Vto 10V Less than 120mA current drain Low self-heating, 0.20§Cinstillair Nonlinearity only g0.8§C max over temp Low impedance output, 20Xfor1mA load
Connection Diagram
Top View
SeeNS PackageNumberM03B
(JEDEC Registration TO-236AB)
Order Device
Number Marking SuppliedAs
LM45BIM3 T4B 250Unitson Tapeand Reel
LM45BIM3X T4B 3000Unitson Tapeand Reel
LM45CIM3 T4C 250Unitson Tapeand Reel
LM45CIM3X T4C 3000Unitson Tapeand Reel
Typical Applications
FIGURE1. Basic Centigrade Temperature
Sensor (a2.5§Cto a100§C)
TL/H/11754–4ChooseR1 ebVS/50mA
VOUTe(10 mV/§Cc Temp§C)
VOUTea1,000mVat a100§C
ea250mVat a25§C
eb200mVat b20§C
FIGURE2. Full-Range Centigrade
Temperature Sensor(b20§Cto a100§C)
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M75/PrintedinU.S.A.