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Single-Ended Input Motor Driver
RIN LM4570
www.ti.com SNOSAV2C–APRIL 2006–REVISED APRIL 2013
LM4570 Single-Ended Input Motor Driver
Checkfor Samples: LM4570
1FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LM4570isa single supply motor driver for
Output Short Circuit Protection improved sensory experiencein mobile phones and
• High Output Current Capability other handheld devices. The LM4570is capableof
Wide Output Voltage Range driving up to 192mA while operating froma 3V
supply. Near rail-to-rail output swing under load
• Fast Turn on Time ensures sufficient voltage drive for most DC motors,
• Output Short Circuit Protection while the differential output drive allows the voltage
• Low Power Shutdown Mode polarity across the motor to be reversed quickly.
Reversing the voltage gives the LM4570 the abilityto
• Minimum External Components drivea motor both clock-wise and counter clock-wise
• Availablein Space-Saving WSON Package froma single supply.
The LM4570 features fast turn on time, anda wide
APPLICATIONSinput voltage range for precise speed control.A low
• Mobile Phones power shutdown mode minimizes power
PDAs consumption.
Video Game Systems Thermal and output short circuit protection prevents
the device from being damaged during fault
High Output Current@ VDD= 3V: 192 mA Fast Turn On Time@ 3V: 2.4 ms Quiescent Power Supply Current@ 3V: 1.9 mA Shutdown Current: 0.1µA (Typ)
Typical Application1. Typical Driver Application