LM4549VH ,AC 97 Rev 2.1 Codec with Sample Rate Conversion and National 3D Soundfeatures National’s n Multiple Codec Support3D Sound stereo enhancement and variable sample rate n ..
LM4550BVH ,AC '97 Rev 2.1 Codec with Sample Rate Conversion and National 3D SoundLM4550 AC ’97 Rev 2.1 Multi-Channel Audio Codec with Stereo Headphone Amplifier, SampleRate Convers ..
LM4550BVHX ,AC '97 Rev 2.1 Codec with Sample Rate Conversion and National 3D Soundfeatures full duplex stereoADCs and DACsn AC ’97 Rev 2.1 compliantand analog mixers with access to ..
LM4550VH ,AC '97 Rev 2.1 Codec with Sample Rate Conversion and National 3D Soundapplications. Such systems can n Desktop PC audio systems on PCI cards, AMR cards, oralso support u ..
LM4550VH ,AC '97 Rev 2.1 Codec with Sample Rate Conversion and National 3D SoundGeneral Description Key Specificationsn Analog Mixer Dynamic Range 97 dB (typ)The LM4550 is an audi ..
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AC 97 Rev 2.1 Codec with Sample Rate Conversion and National 3D Sound
LM4549 ’97 Rev 2.1 Codec with Sample Rate Conversion and
National 3D Sound
General DescriptionThe LM4549isan audio codecforPC systems whichisfully
PC98 compliantand performsthe analog intensive functionsthe AC97 Rev2.1 architecture. Using 18-bit Sigma-Delta
A/D’s and D/A’s,the LM4549 provides 90dBof Dynamic
The LM4549 was designed specificallyto providea high
qualityaudio pathandprovideall analogfunctionalityin aPC
audio system.It featuresfull duplex stereo A/D’sand D/A’s
andan analog mixer with4 stereoand3 mono inputs, each whichhas separate gain, attenuation and mute control.
The codec featuresa second Line Output knownas True
Line LevelOutthatis identicalto LineOutbut with indepen-
dent volume control. The LM4549 also features National’s Sound stereo enhancement and variable sample rate
conversion.The sampleratefor theA/Dand D/Acanbepro-
grammed separately witha resolutionof 1Hzto convertany
rate between 4kHz-48kHz.
The AC97 architecture separatesthe analogand digital func-
tions ofthePC audio system allowing bothfor system design
flexibilityand increased performance.
Key Specifications Analog Mixer Dynamic Range 97dB (typ) D/A Dynamic Range 89dB (typ) A/D Dynamic Range 90dB (typ)
Features AC’97Rev2.1 compliant National’s3D Sound circuitry High quality Sample Rate Conversion (SRC) from 4kHz 48kHzin 1Hz increments. Multiple Codec Support External Amplifier Power Down (EAPD) control from
codec PC-Beep passthroughto LineOut while resetis held
activelow True Line Level Outputwith volume control independent LineOut Digital3Vand5V compliant
Applications DesktopPC Audio SystemsonPCI cards, AMR cards, with motherboard chips sets featuring AC-Link PortablePC Systemsason MDC cards,orwitha
chipsetor accelerator featuring AC-Link
Block DiagramDS101035-1
FIGURE1. LM4549 Block DiagramFebruary 1999
Sound 1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS101035