LM4546VH ,AC '97 Rev 2 Codec with Sample Rate Conversion and National 3D Sound [Life-time buy]features full duplex stereo A/D’s and D/A’sn AC’97 Rev 2 compliantand an analog mixer with 2 stereo ..
LM4546VHX ,AC '97 Rev 2 Codec with Sample Rate Conversion and National 3D Sound [Life-time buy]Block Diagram 2000 National Semiconductor Corporation DS100985 Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note 3) So ..
LM4548AVH ,AC '97 Rev 2.1 Codec with Sample Rate Conversion and National 3D Soundfeatures full duplex stereoADCs and DACskHz in 1 Hz incrementsand analog mixers with access to 4 st ..
LM4548VH ,AC '97 Codec with Sample Rate Conversion and National 3D Sound [Life-time buy]Electrical Characteristics (Notes 1, 3)The following specifications apply for AV = 5V, DV = 5V, Fs ..
LM4548VHX ,AC '97 Codec with Sample Rate Conversion and National 3D Sound [Life-time buy]features full duplex stereo A/D’s and D/A’sn AC’97 Rev2 compliantand an analog mixer with 4 stereo ..
LM4549AVH ,AC '97 Rev 2.1 Codec with Sample Rate Conversion and National 3D SoundGeneral Description Key Specificationsn Analog Mixer Dynamic Range 97 dB (typ)The LM4549A is an aud ..
LP2952IMX ,Adjustable Micropower Low-Dropout Voltage RegulatorFeaturesn Output voltage adjusts from 1.23V to 29VThe LP2952 and LP2953 are micropower voltage regu ..
LP2952IMX/NOPB ,Adjustable Micropower Low-Dropout Voltage Regulator 16-SOIC -40 to 125features, and an improved• Reverse Battery-Input Protectionshutdown function.• 50-mA (Typical) Auto ..
LP2952IMX-3.3 ,Adjustable Micropower Low-Dropout Voltage RegulatorFeaturesn Output voltage adjusts from 1.23V to 29VThe LP2952 and LP2953 are micropower voltage regu ..
LP2952IN ,Adjustable Micropower Low-Dropout Voltage RegulatorFeaturesn Output voltage adjusts from 1.23V to 29VThe LP2952 and LP2953 are micropower voltage regu ..
LP2952IN-3.3 ,Adjustable Micropower Low-Dropout Voltage Regulatorfeatures, and an improved shutdown function.n 5V and 3.3V versions availableThe internal crowbar pu ..
LP2953 ,Adjustable Micropower Low-Dropout Voltage RegulatorFeaturesYOutput voltage adjusts from 1.23V to 29VThe LP2952 and LP2953 are micropower voltage regul ..
AC '97 Rev 2 Codec with Sample Rate Conversion and National 3D Sound [Life-time buy]
LM4546 ’97 Rev 2 Codec with Sample Rate Conversion and
National 3D Sound
General DescriptionThe LM4546isan audio codecforPC systems whichis fully
PC98 compliant and performsthe analog intensive functions the AC97 Rev2 architecture. Using 18-bit Sigma-Delta
A/D’s and D/A’s, the LM4546 provides 90dBof Dynamic
The LM4546 was designed specificallyto providea high
quality audio path and provideall analog functionalityinaPC
audio system.It featuresfull duplex stereo A/D’s and D/A’s
andan analog mixer with2 stereo and3 mono inputs, each which has separate gain, attenuation and mute control.
The LM4546 also provides National’s3D Sound stereo en-
The LM4546 supports variable sample rate conversionas
definedin the AC97 Rev2 specification. The sample ratefor
the A/D and D/A canbe programmed separatelyto convert
any rate between 4kHz- 48kHz witha resolutionof 1Hz. The
AC97 architecture separatesthe analog and digital functionsthePC audio system allowing bothfor system design flex-
ibility and increased performance.
Key Specifications Analog Mixer Dynamic Range 97dB (typ) D/A Dynamic Range 89dB (typ) A/D Dynamic Range 90dB (typ)
Features AC’97 Rev2 compliant National’s3D Sound circuitry High quality Sample Rate Conversion (SRC) from 4kHz 48kHzin 1Hz increments Multiple Codec support Advanced power management support Digital3V and5V compliant
Applications DesktopPC Audio Systems Portable PC Systems MobilePC Systems
Block DiagramDS100985-1
FIGURE1. LM4546 Block DiagramSeptember 2000