LM431BCZ ,Programmable Shunt RegulatorBlock DiagramCATHODEREFERENCE2.5 VrefANODECATHODE (K)REFERENCE (R)ANODE (A)Rev. 1.0.62002 Fairchild ..
LM431BCZX ,Adjustable/2.5V, 1% Tolerance Shunt Regulatorapplications.• Fast Turn-on ResponseTO-9211. Ref 2. Anode 3. Cathode8-DIP 8-SOP 111.Cathode ..
LM431BIM ,Adjustable/2.5V, 1% Tolerance Shunt RegulatorLM431A/LM431B/LM431CProgrammable Shunt Regulator
LM431BIM3 ,Adjustable Precision Zener Shunt RegulatorLM431 Adjustable Precision Zener Shunt RegulatorMarch 2002LM431Adjustable Precision Zener Shunt Reg ..
LM431BIM3X ,Adjustable Precision Zener Shunt RegulatorLM431 Adjustable Precision Zener Shunt RegulatorMarch 2002LM431Adjustable Precision Zener Shunt Reg ..
LM431BIMX ,Adjustable/2.5V, 1% Tolerance Shunt RegulatorFeaturesn Average temperature coefficient 50 ppm/˚CThe LM431 is a 3-terminal adjustable shunt regul ..
LP2951CMM. ,Series of Adjustable Micropower Voltage RegulatorsBlock Diagram and Typical
LP2951CMM/NOPB ,Series of Adjustable Micropower Voltage Regulators 8-VSSOP -40 to 125Features... 19 Application and Implementation...... 192 Applications..... 19.1 Application Informat ..
LP2951CMM-3.0 ,Series of Adjustable Micropower Voltage RegulatorsGeneral DescriptionThe LP2951 is a micropower voltage regulator with very low dropout voltage (typ. ..
LP2951CMM-3.0/NOPB ,Series of Adjustable Micropower Voltage Regulators 8-VSSOP -40 to 125 SNVS764Q–JANUARY 2000–REVISED DECEMBER 20175 Voltage OptionsDEVICE NUMBER PACKAGE VOLTAGE OPTION ( ..
LP2951CMM-3.3 ,Series of Adjustable Micropower Voltage RegulatorsMICROCIRCUIT DATA SHEETOriginal Creation Date: 08/01/95MJLP2951-X REV 1B1Last Update Date: 05/19/98 ..
LP2951CMM-3.3/NOPB ,Series of Adjustable Micropower Voltage Regulators 8-VSSOP -40 to 125Features... 19 Application and Implementation...... 192 Applications..... 19.1 Application Informat ..
Programmable Shunt Regulator
Features Programmable Output Voltage to 36 Volts Low Dynamic Output Impedance 0.20 Typical Sink Current Capability of 1.0 to 100mA Equivalent Full-Range Temperature Coefficient of
50ppm/°C Typical Temperature Compensated for Operation Over Full Rated
Operating Temperature Range Low Output Noise Voltage Fast Turn-on Response
DescriptionThe LM431A/LM431B/LM431C are three terminal output
adjustable regulators with thermal stability over operating
temperature range. The output voltage can be set any value
between VREF (approximately 2.5 volts) and 36 volts with
two external resistors. These devices have a typical dynamic
output impedance of 0.2Ω Active output circuit provides a
sharp turn-on characteristic, making these devices excellent
replacement for Zener Diodes in many applications.