LM4130CIM5X-2.0 ,Precision Micropower Low Dropout Voltage ReferenceFeaturesn Small SOT23-5 packageThe LM4130 family of precision voltage references performscomparable ..
LM4130CIM5X-4.1 ,Precision Micropower Low Dropout Voltage Reference <BR>[Not recommended for new designs]LM4130 Precision Micropower Low Dropout Voltage ReferenceAugust 2003LM4130Precision Micropower Low ..
LM4130DIM5-2.5 ,Precision Micropower Low Dropout Voltage Reference <BR>[Not recommended for new designs]General Descriptionn Stable with capacitive loads to 2.2µFTheLM4130familyofprecisionvoltagereferenc ..
LM4130DIM5-2.5 ,Precision Micropower Low Dropout Voltage Reference <BR>[Not recommended for new designs]General Descriptionn Stable with capacitive loads to 2.2µFTheLM4130familyofprecisionvoltagereferenc ..
LM4130DIM5-4.1 ,Precision Micropower Low Dropout Voltage Reference <BR>[Not recommended for new designs]Featuresn Small SOT23-5 packagen High output voltage accuracy 0.05%Connection Diagram and Pin Confi ..
LM4130DIM5X-2.5 ,Precision Micropower Low Dropout Voltage Reference <BR>[Not recommended for new designs]Featuresn Small SOT23-5 packagen High output voltage accuracy 0.05%Connection Diagram and Pin Confi ..
LP2951-03BN , 100mA Low-Dropout Voltage Regulator
LP2951-03BN , 100mA Low-Dropout Voltage Regulator
LP2951-33DR ,Single Output LDO, 100mA, Fixed(3.3V), Wide Vin Range, RESET Flag 8-SOIC -40 to 125
LP2951-33DR ,Single Output LDO, 100mA, Fixed(3.3V), Wide Vin Range, RESET Flag 8-SOIC -40 to 125
LP2951-50DR ,Single Output, 100mA, Fixed(5V), Wide Vin Range, RESET Flag 8-SOIC -40 to 125 SLVS582I–APRIL 2006–REVISED NOVEMBER 20145 Pin Configuration and FunctionsLP2950 LP2951 LP2951LP P ..
Precision Micropower Low Dropout Voltage Reference
Precision Micropower Low Dropout Voltage Reference
General DescriptionThe LM4130familyof precision voltage references performs
comparabletothe best laser-trimmed bipolar references,butcost effective CMOStechnology.Keytothis breakthroughtheuseof EEPROM registersfor correctionof curvature,
tempco, andaccuracy ona CMOSbandgaparchitecturethat
allows package level programmingto overcome assembly
shift. The shiftsin voltage accuracyand tempco duringas-
semblyofdieinto plastic packages limitthe accuracyofref-
erences trimmed with laser techniques.
Unlike other LDOreferences, theLM4130requiresno output
capacitor. Neitherisa buffer amplifier required, even with
loadsupto 20mA. These advantagesandthe SOT23 pack-
agingare importantfor cost-criticaland space-critical appli-
Series references provide lower power consumption than
shunt references, sincethey don’t have toidlethe maximum
possible load current underno load conditions. This advan-
tage,thelow quiescent current (75μA),andthelow dropout
voltage(275mV) makethe LM4130 idealfor battery-powered
The LM4130is availableinfive grades (A,B,C,DandE)for
greater flexibility.The best grade devices(A) havean initial
accuracyof 0.05% with guaranteed temperature coefficient 10ppm/˚Cor less, whilethe lowest grade parts(E) have initial accuracyof 0.5%anda tempcoof 30ppm/˚C.
Features Small SOT23-5 package High output voltage accuracy 0.05% Low Temperature Coefficient 10 ppm/˚C Stable with capacitive loadsto 100μF Low dropout voltage ≤275mV@10mA Supply Current ≤75μA Full accuracy −40˚Cto 85˚C Extended operationto 125˚C Excellent loadandline regulation Output current 20mA Output impedance <1Ω Voltage options: 2.048V, 2.500V,and 4.096V
Applications Summary Portable, battery powered equipment Instrumentationand process control Automotive& Industrial Test equipment Data acquisition systems Precision regulators Battery chargers Base stations Communications Medical equipment Servo systems
Connection Diagram and Pin ConfigurationDS101046-1
*Optional, Recommendedfor improved transientresponseand
input noise reduction.
(See Application Information)
Refertothe Ordering InformationTableinthisData Sheetfor SpecificPart
SOT23-5 Surface Mount PackageNovember 1999
Reference©1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS101046