LM4121AIM5X-1.2 ,Precision Micropower Low Dropout Voltage ReferenceApplicationsThe device performance is guaranteed over the industrialn Portable, battery powered equ ..
LM4121AIM5X-1.2 ,Precision Micropower Low Dropout Voltage ReferenceLM4121 Precision Micropower Low Dropout Voltage ReferenceApril 2000LM4121Precision Micropower Low D ..
LM4121AIM5X-ADJ ,Precision Micropower Low Dropout Voltage ReferenceBlock DiagramDS101291-35 2001 National Semiconductor Corporation DS101291 Ordering InformationIndus ..
LM4121AIM5X-ADJ ,Precision Micropower Low Dropout Voltage ReferenceFeatures (LM4121-1.2)n Small SOT23-5 packageThe LM4121 is a precision bandgap voltage reference ava ..
LM4121IM5-1.2 ,Precision Micropower Low Dropout Voltage ReferenceApplicationsThe device performance is guaranteed over the industrialn Portable, battery powered equ ..
LM4121IM5-1.2 ,Precision Micropower Low Dropout Voltage ReferenceBlock DiagramDS101291-35 2001 National Semiconductor Corporation DS101291 Ordering InformationIndus ..
LP2950-3.3 ,Single Output LDO, 100mA, Fixed(3.3V), Wide Vin Range 3-TO-92 0 to 0
LP2950-3.3 ,Single Output LDO, 100mA, Fixed(3.3V), Wide Vin Range 3-TO-92 0 to 0
LP2950-30LP ,Single Output LDO, 100mA, Fixed(3.0V), Wide Vin Range 3-TO-92 -40 to 125
LP2950-5.0 ,Single Output LDO, 100mA, Fixed(5.0V), Wide Vin Range
LP2950-5.0 ,Single Output LDO, 100mA, Fixed(5.0V), Wide Vin Range
LP2950-5.0 ,Single Output LDO, 100mA, Fixed(5.0V), Wide Vin Range
Precision Micropower Low Dropout Voltage Reference
Precision Micropower Low Dropout V oltage Reference
General DescriptionThe LM4121isa precision bandgap voltage reference avail-
ableina fixed 1.25V and adjustable version withupto5 mA
current source and sink capability.
This series reference operates with input voltagesas lowas
1.8V andupto 12V consuming 160 μA(Typ.) supply current. power down mode, device current dropsto less than2 μA.
The LM4121 comesin two gradesA and Standard. The best
grade devices(A) havean initial accuracyof 0.2%, whilethe
standard havean initial accuracyof 0.5%, both witha
tempcoof 50ppm/˚C guaranteed from −40˚Cto +125˚C.
The very low operating voltage, low supply current and
power-down capabilityofthe LM4121 makes this productan
ideal choicefor battery powered and portable applications.
The device performanceis guaranteed over the industrial
temperature range (−40˚Cto +85˚C), while certain specs are
guaranteed over the extended temperature range (−40˚Cto
+125˚C). Please contact Nationalforfull specifications over
the extended temperature range. The LM4121is availablein standard 5-pin SOT-23 package.
Features (LM4121-1.2) Small SOT23-5 package Low voltage operation High output voltage accuracy: 0.2% Source and Sink current output: ±5mA Supply current: 160μA Typ. Low Temperature Coefficient: 50 ppm/˚C Enablepin Output voltages: 1.25V and Adjustable Industrial temperature Range: −40˚Cto +85˚C (For extended temperature range, −40˚Cto 125˚C,
contact National Semiconductor)
Applications Portable, battery powered equipment Instrumentation and process control Automotive& Industrial Test equipment Data acquisition systems Precision regulators Battery chargers Base stations Communications Medical equipment
Block Diagram Connection DiagramsDS101291-1 Resistorsare removedonthe LM4121-ADJ
LM4121-1.2 Block DiagramDS101291-2
Refertothe Ordering Information Tableinthis Data Sheetfor Specific
Part Number
SOT23-5 Surface Mount PackageDS101291-35
April 2000