LM40CIMT ,Hardware Monitor with Dual Thermal Diodes and SensorPathtrade BusPin DescriptionPin Number Pin Name Description Typical Connection1, 14 NC No Connect May be tied to ..
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Hardware Monitor with Dual Thermal Diodes and SensorPathtrade Bus
Hardware Monitor with Dual Thermal Diodes and
SensorPath™ Bus
General DescriptionThe LM40isa hardware monitor that measures3 tempera-
ture zones,5 voltages and hasa single-wire interface com-
patible with National Semiconductor’s SensorPath bus. Sen-
sorPath datais pulse width encoded, thereby allowing the
LM40tobe easily connectedto many general purpose
micro-controllers. Several National Semiconductor SuperI/O
products includea fully integrated SensorPath master, that
when connectedtothe LM40 can realizea hardware monitor
function that includes limit checkingfor measured values,
autonomousfan speed control and many other functions.
The LM40 measuresthe temperatureofits owndieas well two external devices suchasa processor thermal diodea diode connected transistor. The LM40 can resolve tem-
peraturesupto 255˚C and downto -256˚C. The operating
temperature rangeof the LM40is 0˚Cto +125˚C. UsingΣΔ
ADCit measures +1.2V, +2.5V, +3.3V, +5V and +12V analog
input voltages with internal scaling resistors.The address
programming pin allows two LM40stobe placedon one
SensorPath bus.
Features SensorPath Interface2 hardware programmable addresses Voltage Monitoring 9-bitΣΔ ADC Internal scaling resistorsforall inputs Monitors +1.2V, +2.5V, +3.3V,+5V and +12V Temperature Sensing2 remote diode temperature sensor zones Internal local temperature zone0.5˚C resolution Measures temperaturesupto 140˚C 14-lead TSSOP package
Key Specifications Voltage Measurement Accuracy ±2% (max) Temperature Sensor Accuracy ±3˚C (max) Temperature Range: LM40 junction 0˚Cto +85˚C Remote Temp Accuracy 0˚Cto +100˚C Power Supply Voltage +3.0Vto +3.6V Average Power Supply Current 0.5 mA (typ) Conversion Time(all Channels) 29.6msto 1456ms
Applications Microprocessor based equipment
(Motherboards, Video Cards, Base-stations, Routers,
ATMs, Pointof Sale,…) Power Supplies
Typical ApplicationMay 2004