LM4050AEX3-3.3/V+T ,50ppm/°C Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage References with Multiple Reverse Breakdown VoltagesFeaturesThe LM4050/LM4051 are precision two-terminal, shunt- ● 50ppm/°C (max) Temperature Coefficie ..
LM4050AIM3-10 ,Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage ReferenceLM4050 Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage ReferenceJuly 2004LM4050Precision Micropower Shunt Voltag ..
LM4050AIM3-2.5 ,50ppm/°C Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage References with Multiple Reverse Breakdown VoltagesGeneral Descriptionn Fixed reverse breakdown voltages of 2.048V, 2.500V,Ideal for space critical
LM4050AIM3-2.5 NOPB ,Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage Reference 3-SOT-23 -40 to 85Electrical Characteristics: 10-V Option ....... 1012.5 Glossary. 226.11 Typical Characteristics.... ..
LM4050AIM3-4.1 ,50ppm/°C Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage References with Multiple Reverse Breakdown VoltagesLM4050 Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage ReferenceJuly 2004LM4050Precision Micropower Shunt Voltag ..
LM4050AIM3-5.0 ,50ppm/°C Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage References with Multiple Reverse Breakdown VoltagesApplicationsdown voltage accuracy over a wide range of operating tem-peratures and currents.n Porta ..
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LP T672 , Super TOPLED / High-Current LED
LP T67K , Hyper-Bright Low Current LED
LP02-101-1 , VRM Inductor
LP02-101-2 , VRM Inductor
50ppm/°C Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage References with Multiple Reverse Breakdown Voltages
General DescriptionThe LM4050/LM4051 are precision two-terminal, shunt-
mode, bandgap voltage references available in fixed
reverse breakdown voltages of 1.225V, 2.048V, 2.500V,
3.000V, 3.3V, 4.096V, and 5.000V. Ideal for space-critical
applications, the LM4050/LM4051 are offered in the sub
miniature 3-pin SC70 surface-mount packages (1.8mm 1.8mm), 50% smaller than comparable devices in
SOT23 surface-mount package (SOT23 versions are also
avail able).
Laser-trimmed resistors ensure excellent initial accuracy.
With a 50ppm/°C temperature coefficient, these devices
are offered in three grades of initial accuracy ranging from
0.1% to 0.5%. The LM4050/LM4051 have a 60µA to 15mA
shunt-current capability with low dynamic impedance,
ensuring stable reverse breakdown voltage accuracy over
a wide range of operating temperatures and currents. The
LM4050/LM4051 do not require an external stabilizing
capacitor while ensuring stability with any capacitive loads.
The LM4050/LM4051 specifications are guaranteed over
the temperature range of -40°C to +125°C.
Applications●Portable, Battery-Powered Equipment●Notebook Computers●Cell Phones●Industrial Process Controls
Features●50ppm/°C (max) Temperature Coefficient Guaranteed
over the -40°C to +125°C Temperature Range●Ultra-Small 3-Pin SC70 Package●0.1% (max) Initial Accuracy●Wide Operating Current Range: 60µA to 15mA●Low 28µVRMS Output Noise (10Hz to 10kHz)●1.225V, 2.048V, 2.500V, 3.000V, 3.3V, 4.096V, and
5.000V Fixed Reverse Breakdown Voltages●No Output Capacitors Required●Tolerates Capacitive Loads
Ordering Information appears at end of data sheet.N.C.*
LM4050/LM405150ppm/°C Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage
References with Multiple Reverse Breakdown Voltages
Pin Coniguration
Pin Coniguration
Reverse Current (cathode to anode)..................................20mA
Forward Current (anode to cathode) ..................................10mA
Continuous Power Dissipation (TA = +70°C)
3-Pin SC70 (derate 2.17mW/°C above +70°C) ...........174mW
3-Pin SOT23 (derate 4.01mW/°C above +70°C) ........320mW
Operating Temperature Range
LM4050/LM4051_E_ _ _ ..............................-40°C to +125°C
Storage Temperature Range ............................-65°C to +150°C
Junction Temperature ......................................................+150°C
Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s)..................................+300°C
Soldering Temperature (reflow) .......................................+260°C
(IR = 100µA, TA = TMIN to TMAX, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA = +25°C.) (Note 1)
LM4051A (0.1%)1.22381.22501.2262LM4051B (0.2%)1.22261.22501.2275
LM4051C (0.5%)1.21891.22501.2311
Reverse Breakdown Voltage
Tolerance (Note 2)VRTOL
Minimum Operating CurrentIRMIN4560µA
Average Reverse VoltageTemperature Coeficient
(Notes 2, 3)DVR/DT
IR = 10mA±20
ppm/°CIR = 1mA±15±50
IR = 100µA±15
Reverse Breakdown Voltage
Change with Operating
Current Change
IRMIN ≤ IR ≤ 1mA0.71.51mA ≤ IR ≤ 12mA2.58.0
Reverse Dynamic
Impedance (Note 3)ZRIR = 1mA, f = 120Hz, IAC = 0.1IR 0.51.5Ω
Wideband NoiseeNIR = 100µA, 10Hz ≤ f ≤ 10kHz20µVRMS
Reverse Breakdown Voltage
Long-Term Stability∆VRT = 1000h120ppm
LM4050/LM405150ppm/°C Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage
References with Multiple Reverse Breakdown Voltages
Absolute Maximum RatingsStresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these
or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect
device reliability.
Electrical Characteristics —1.225V
(IR = 100µA, TA = TMIN to TMAX, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA = +25°C.) (Note 1)
LM4050A (0.1%)2.04602.04802.0500LM4050B (0.2%)2.04392.04802.0521
LM4050C (0.5%)2.03782.04802.0582
Reverse Breakdown Voltage
Tolerance (Note 2)VRTOL
Minimum Operating CurrentIRMIN4565µA
Average Reverse VoltageTemperature Coeficient
(Notes 2, 3)DVR/DT
IR = 10mA±20
ppm/°CIR = 1mA±15±50
IR = 100µA±15
Reverse Breakdown Voltage
Change with Operating
Current Change
IRMIN ≤ IR ≤ 1mA0.31.01mA ≤ IR ≤ 15mA2.58.0
Reverse Dynamic
Impedance (Note 3)ZRIR = 1mA, f = 120Hz,
IAC = 0.1IR
Wideband NoiseeNIR = 100µA, 10Hz ≤ f ≤ 10kHz28µVRMS
Reverse Breakdown Voltage
Long-Term StabilityDVRT = 1000h120ppm
LM4050/LM405150ppm/°C Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage
References with Multiple Reverse Breakdown Voltages
Electrical Characteristics —2.048V
(IR = 100µA, TA = TMIN to TMAX, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA = +25°C.) (Note 1)
LM4050A (0.1%)2.49752.50002.5025LM4050B (0.2%)2.49502.50002.5050
LM4050C (0.5%)2.48752.50002.5125
Reverse Breakdown Voltage
Tolerance (Note 2)VRTOL
Minimum Operating CurrentIRMIN4565µA
Average Reverse VoltageTemperature Coeficient
(Notes 2, 3)DVR/DT
IR = 10mA±20
ppm/°CIR = 1mA±15±50
IR = 100µA±15
Reverse Breakdown Voltage
Change with Operating
Current Change
IRMIN ≤ IR ≤ 1mA0.31.01mA ≤ IR ≤ 15mA2.58.0
Reverse Dynamic
Impedance (Note 3)ZRIR = 1mA, f = 120Hz,
IAC = 0.1IR
Wideband NoiseeNIR = 100µA, 10Hz ≤ f ≤ 10kHz35µVRMS
Reverse Breakdown Voltage
Long-Term StabilityDVRT = 1000h120ppm
LM4050/LM405150ppm/°C Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage
References with Multiple Reverse Breakdown Voltages
Electrical Characteristics—2.500V
(IR = 100µA, TA = TMIN to TMAX, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA = +25°C.) (Note 1)
(IR = 100µA, TA = TMIN to TMAX, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA = +25°C.) (Note 1)
LM4050A (0.1%)2.99703.00003.0030LM4050B (0.2%)2.99403.00003.0060
LM4050C (0.5%)2.98503.00003.0150
Reverse Breakdown Voltage
Tolerance (Note 2)VRTOL
Minimum Operating CurrentIRMIN4567µA
Average Reverse VoltageTemperature Coeficient
(Notes 2, 3)DVR/DT
IR = 10Ma±20
ppm/°CIR = 1mA±15±50
IR = 100µA±15
Reverse Breakdown Voltage
Change with Operating
Current Change
IRMIN ≤ IR ≤ 1mA0.31.01mA ≤ IR ≤ 15mA2.58.0
Reverse Dynamic
Impedance (Note 3)ZRIR = 1mA, f = 120Hz,
IAC = 0.1IR
Wideband NoiseeNIR = 100µA, 10Hz ≤ f ≤ 10kHz45µVRMS
Reverse Breakdown Voltage
Long-Term StabilityDVRT = 1000h120ppm
LM4050A (0.1%)3.29673.30003.3033LM4050B (0.2%)3.29343.30003.3066
LM4050C (0.5%)3.28353.30003.3165
Reverse Breakdown Voltage
Tolerance (Note 2)VRTOL
Minimum Operating CurrentIRMIN4567µA
Average Reverse VoltageTemperature Coeficient
(Notes 2, 3)DVR/DT
IR = 10mA±20
ppm/°CIR = 1mA±15±50
IR = 100µA±15
Reverse Breakdown Voltage
Change with Operating
Current Change
IRMIN ≤ IR ≤ 1mA0.31.01mA ≤ IR ≤ 15mA2.58.0
Reverse Dynamic
Impedance (Note 3)ZRIR = 1mA, f = 120Hz,
IAC = 0.1IR
Wideband NoiseeNIR = 100µA, 10Hz ≤ f ≤ 10kHz50µVRMS
LM4050/LM405150ppm/°C Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage
References with Multiple Reverse Breakdown Voltages
Electrical Characteristics—3.000V
Electrical Characteristics—3.300V
(IR = 100µA, TA = TMIN to TMAX, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA = +25°C.) (Note 1)
LM4050A (0.1%)4.09194.09604.1001LM4050B (0.2%)4.08784.09604.1042
LM4050C (0.5%)4.07554.09604.1165
Reverse Breakdown Voltage
Tolerance (Note 2)VRTOL
Minimum Operating CurrentIRMIN5073µA
Average Reverse VoltageTemperature Coeficient
(Notes 2, 3)DVR/DT
IR = 10mA±30
ppm/°CIR = 1mA±20±50
IR = 100µA±15
Reverse Breakdown Voltage
Change with Operating
Current Change
IRMIN ≤ IR ≤ 1mA0.51.21mA ≤ IR ≤ 15mA3.010.0
Reverse Dynamic
Impedance (Note 3)ZRIR = 1mA, f = 120Hz, IAC = 0.1IR0.51.0Ω
Wideband NoiseeNIR = 100µA, 10Hz ≤ f ≤ 10kHz64µVRMS
Reverse Breakdown Voltage
Long-Term StabilityDVRT = 1000h120ppm
LM4050/LM405150ppm/°C Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage
References with Multiple Reverse Breakdown Voltages
Electrical Characteristics—4.096V
(IR = 100µA, TA = TMIN to TMAX, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA = +25°C.) (Note 1)
Note 1: All devices are 100% production tested at +25°C and are guaranteed by design for TA = TMIN to TMAX, as specified.
Note 2: The limit over the full temperature range for the reverse breakdown voltage tolerance is defined as:
[VRTOL] ±[(∆VR / ∆T) X (max∆T) X (VR)]where ∆VR / ∆T is the VR temperature coefficient, max∆T is the difference from the +25°C reference point to TMIN or TMAX,
and VR is the reverse breakdown voltage. The total tolerance over the full temperature range for the different grades where max∆T = +100°C is shown below:A grade: ±0.6% = ±0.1% ±50ppm/°C x 100°CB grade: ±0.7% = ±0.2% ±50ppm/°C x 100°CC grade: ±1.0% = ±0.5% ±50ppm/°C x 100°C
Note 3: Guaranteed by design.
LM4050A (0.1%)4.99505.00005.0050LM4050B (0.2%)4.99005.00005.0100
LM4050C (0.5%)4.97505.00005.0250
Reverse Breakdown Voltage
Tolerance (Note 2)VRTOL
Minimum Operating CurrentIRMIN5480µA
Average Reverse VoltageTemperature Coeficient
(Notes 2, 3)DVR/DT
IR = 10mA±30
ppm/°CIR = 1mA±20±50
IR = 100µA±15
Reverse Breakdown Voltage
Change with Operating
Current Change
IRMIN ≤ IR ≤ 1mA0.51.41mA ≤ IR ≤ 15mA3.512.0
Reverse Dynamic
Impedance (Note 3)ZRIR = 1mA, f = 120Hz, IAC = 0.1IR 0.51.1Ω
Wideband NoiseeNIR = 100µA, 10Hz ≤ f ≤ 10kHz80µVRMS
Reverse Breakdown Voltage
Long-Term StabilityDVRT = 1000h120ppm
LM4050/LM405150ppm/°C Precision Micropower Shunt Voltage
References with Multiple Reverse Breakdown Voltages
Electrical Characteristics—5.000V