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Precision Reference
Precision Reference
General DescriptionThe LM199 series are precision, temperature-stabilized
monolithic zeners offering temperature coefficientsa factorten better than high quality reference zeners.Constructeda single monolithic chipisa temperature stabilizer circuit
andan active reference zener.The active circuitry reduces
the dynamic impedanceofthe zenerto about 0.5Ωandal-
lowsthe zenerto operate over0.5mAto10mA current
range with essentiallyno changein voltageor temperature
coefficient. Further,a new subsurface zener structure gives
low noiseand excellent long term stability comparedto ordi-
nary monolithic zeners.The packageissuppliedwitha ther-
mal shieldto minimize heater powerand improve tempera-
ture regulation.
The LM199 series referencesare exceptionally easytouse
andfreeofthe problemsthatare often experiencedwithor-
dinary zeners. Thereis virtuallyno hysteresisin reference
voltage with temperature cycling. Also,the LM199isfreeof
voltage shiftsdueto stressonthe leads. Finally, sincethe
unitis temperature stabilized, warmup timeis fast.
The LM199canbe usedin almostanyapplicationin placeof
ordinary zenerswith improved performance. Some idealap-
plicationsare analogto digital converters, calibration stan-
dards, precision voltageor current sourcesor precision
power supplies. Furtherin many casesthe LM199canre-
place referencesin existing equipment witha minimumof
wiring changes.
The LM199 series devicesare packagedina standard her-
metic TO-46 package insidea thermal shield.The LM199is
ratedfor operation from−55˚Cto +125˚C while theLM299is
ratedfor operation from −25˚Cto +85˚C andthe LM399is
rated from0˚Cto +70˚C.
The LM3999is packagedina standard TO-92 packageand rated from0˚Cto +70˚C
Features Guaranteed 0.0001%/˚C temperature coefficient Low dynamic impedance— 0.5Ω Initial toleranceon breakdown voltage—2% Sharp breakdownat400μA Wide operating current— 500μAto10mA Wide supply rangefor temperature stabilizer Guaranteedlow noise Low powerfor stabilization— 300 mWat 25˚C Long term stability—20 ppm Proven reliability, low-stress packagingin TO-46
integrated-circuit hermetic package,forlow hysteresis
after thermal cycling.33 million hours MTBFatTA=
+25˚C(TJ= +86˚C) Certified long term stability available MIL-STD-883 compliant
Connection Diagrams
Metal Can Package (TO-46)DS005717-14
Top View
LM199/LM299/LM399 (See Tableon fourth page) Package Number H04D
Plastic Package TO-92DS005717-10
Bottom View
LM3999 (See Tableon fourth page) Package Number Z03AMay 1999
Reference 1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS005717