LM396K ,10 amp adjustable voltage regulatorApplications*ForbestTCofV ,R1shouldbewirewoundaR1 R2 OUTe aV (1.25V) I (R2) or metal film, 1% or be ..
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10 amp adjustable voltage regulator
August 1992
LM196/LM396 10 Amp Adjustable Voltage Regulator
General Description
The LM196isa10 amp regulator, adjustable from 1.25Vto
15V, which usesa revolutionary newIC fabrication structure combine high power discrete transistor technology with
modern monolithic linearIC processing. This combination
yieldsa high-performance single-chip regulator capableof
supplyingin excessof10 ampsand operatingat powerlev-
elsupto70 watts.The regulators feature on-chip trimming reference voltageto g0.8% and simultaneous trimming reference temperaturedriftto30 ppm/§Ctypical. Thermal
interaction between control circuitryandthe pass transistor
which affectsthe output voltagehas been reducedtoex-
tremelylow levelsby strict attentionto isothermal layout.
This interaction, called thermal regulation,is 100% tested.
These new regulators haveallthe protection featuresof
popular lower power adjustable regulators suchas LM117
and LM138, including current limiting and thermal limiting.
The combinationof these features makesthe LM196im-
muneto blowout from output overloadsor shorts, evenif
the adjustmentpinis accidentally disconnected.All devices
are ‘‘burned-in’’in thermal shutdownto guarantee proper
operationof theseprotective features under actualoverload
Output voltageis continuously adjustable from 1.25Vto
15V. Higher output voltagesare possibleifthe maximum
input-output voltage differential specificationisnot exceed-
ed.Full load currentof 10Ais availableatall output volt-
ages, subject onlytothe maximum power limitof 70Wand course, maximum junction temperature.
The LM196is exceptionally easyto use. Onlytwo external
resistorsare usedtotoset output voltage. On-chip adjust-
mentofthe reference voltage allowsa much tighter specifi-
cationof output voltage, eliminating anyneedfor trimmingin
most cases. The regulatorwill toleratean extremely wide
rangeof reactive loads,and doesnot dependon external
capacitorsfor frequency stabilization. Heat sink require-
mentsare muchless stringent, because overload situationsnot havetobe accounted forÐonly worst-casefull load
The LM196isina TO-3 package with oversized (0.060×)
leadsto provide best possible load regulation. Operating
junction temperature rangeis b55§Cto a150§C. The
LM396is specifiedfora 0§Cto a125§C junction tempera-
ture range.
Features Output pre-trimmedto g0.8% 10A guaranteed output currentPa Product Enhancement tested 70W maximum power dissipation Adjustable outputÐ1.25Vto 15V Internal currentand power limiting Guaranteed thermal resistance Output voltage guaranteed under worst-case conditions Outputis short circuit protected
Typical Applications
VOUTe (1.25V)#aR2J IADJ (R2)
*ForbestTCof VOUT,R1shouldbewirewound
ormetalfilm,1%or better.
**R2shouldbe same typeasR1, withTC track-
ingof30 ppm/§Cor better.
²C1is necessaryonly ifmain filtercapacitoris
morethan6× away, assumingÝ18or larger
²²C2 isnotabsolutely necessary,butis suggest-
edto lowerhigh frequencyoutputimpedance.
Output capacitorsinthe rangeof1 mFto
1000mFof aluminumor tantalum electrolytic
are commonlyusedto provide improvedout-
put impedanceand rejectionof transients.
ÊC3 improves ripple rejection, output imped-
ance,and noise.C2 shouldbe1mFor larger
closetothe regulatorifC3is used.
FIGURE1. Basic 1.25Vto15V Regulator
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.