LM395T ,Ultra Reliable Power Transistorapplications, whereprotectionisunusuallydifficult,suchasswitchingregulators,n 3.0 µA typical base c ..
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Ultra Reliable Power Transistor
Ultra Reliable Power Transistors
General DescriptionThe LM195/LM395 are fast, monolithic power integrated
circuits with complete overload protection. These devices,
which actas high gain power transistors, have includedon
the chip, current limiting, power limiting, and thermal over-
load protection making them virtually impossibleto destroy
from any typeof overload.In the standard TO-3 transistor
power package, the LM195 will deliver load currentsin ex-
cessof 1.0A and can switch 40Vin 500ns.
The inclusionof thermal limiting,a feature not easily avail-
ablein discrete designs, provides virtually absolute protec-
tion against overload. Excessive power dissipationor inad-
equate heat sinking causes the thermal limiting circuitryto
turnoff the device preventing excessive heating.
The LM195 offersa significant increasein reliabilityas well simplifying power circuitry.In some applications, where
protectionis unusually difficult, suchas switching regulators,
lampor solenoid drivers where normal power dissipationis
low, the LM195is especially advantageous.
The LM195is easyto use and onlya few precautions need observed. Excessive collectorto emitter voltage can de-
stroy the LM195as with any power transistor. When the
deviceis usedasan emitter follower with low source imped-
ance,itis necessaryto inserta 5.0k resistorin series with
the base leadto prevent possible emitter follower oscilla-
tions. Although the deviceis usually stableasan emitter
follower,the resistor eliminatesthe possibilityof trouble with-
out degrading performance. Finally, sinceit has good high
frequency response, supply bypassingis recommended.
For low-power applications (under 100 mA), referto the
LP395 Ultra Reliable Power Transistor.
The LM195/LM395are availableinthe standard TO-3, Kovar
TO-5, and TO-220 packages. The LM195is ratedfor opera-
tion from −55˚Cto +150˚C and the LM395 from 0˚Cto
Features Internal thermal limiting Greater than 1.0A output current 3.0µA typical base current 500ns switching time 2.0V saturation Base canbe drivenupto 40V without damage Directly interfaces with CMOSor TTL 100% electrical burn-in
Simplified Circuit1.0 Amp Lamp Flasher
July 2000