LM394N ,LM194/LM394 Supermatch PairApplicationsLowCostAccurateSquareRootCircuit LowCostAccurateSquaringCircuitb6 2b5 ee I 10 (V )I 10 ..
LM394N ,LM194/LM394 Supermatch Pairapplications.YCurrent gain (h ) matched to 2%FETo guarantee long term stability of matching paramet ..
LM395H , Ultra Reliable Power Transistors
LM395P ,Ultra Reliable Power Transistorapplications, whereprotection is unusually difficult, such as switching regulators,n 3.0 μA typical ..
LM395T ,Ultra Reliable Power Transistorapplications, whereprotectionisunusuallydifficult,suchasswitchingregulators,n 3.0 µA typical base c ..
LM396K ,10 amp adjustable voltage regulatorApplications*ForbestTCofV ,R1shouldbewirewoundaR1 R2 OUTe aV (1.25V) I (R2) or metal film, 1% or be ..
LMX358ASA+T ,Single/Dual/Quad, General-Purpose, Low-Voltage, Rail-to-Rail Output Op AmpsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V = +2.7V, V = 0V, V = V /2, V = 1V, R > 1MΩ, T = +25°C, unless otherwis ..
LMX358AUA ,Single/Dual/Quad/ General-Purpose/ Low-Voltage/ Rail-to-Rail Output Op AmpsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V = +2.7V, V = 0, V = V /2, V = 1V, R > 1MΩ , T = +25°C, unless otherwis ..
LMX393AKA+T ,General-Purpose, Low-Voltage, Single/Dual/Quad, TinyPack™ ComparatorsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—2.7V OPERATION(V = 2.7V, V = 0V, V = 0V, R = 5.1kΩ connected to V . Typi ..
LMX393AUA ,General-Purpose/ Low-Voltage/ Single/Dual/Quad/ Tiny-Pack ComparatorsLMX331/LMX393/LMX33919-1958; Rev 2; 1/02General-Purpose, Low-Voltage,Single/Dual/Quad, Tiny-Pack Co ..
LMX393AUA ,General-Purpose/ Low-Voltage/ Single/Dual/Quad/ Tiny-Pack ComparatorsApplications LMX339AUD -40°C to +125°C 14 TSSOP —Battery-Powered Electronics LMX339ASD -40 °C to + ..
LMX393HAUA ,General-Purpose/ Low-Voltage/ Single/Dual/Quad/ Tiny-Pack ComparatorsApplications LMX393AKA-T -40°C to +125°C 8 SOT23-8 AAIFMobile CommunicationsLMX393AUA -40 °C to +12 ..
LM194/LM394 Supermatch Pair
December 1994
LM194/LM394 Supermatch Pair
General Description
The LM194 and LM394are junction isolated ultra well-
matched monolithic NPN transistor pairs withan orderof
magnitudeimprovementin matching over conventional tran-
sistor pairs. Thiswas accomplishedby advanced linearpro-
cessinganda unique new device structure.
Electrical characteristicsof these devices suchasdriftver-
sus initial offset voltage,noise, andthe exponential relation-
shipof base-emitter voltageto collector current closelyap-
proach thoseofa theoretical transistor. Extrinsic emitter
and base resistancesare much lower than presently avail-
able pairs, either monolithicor discrete, giving extremelylow
noiseand theoretical operation overa wide current range.
Most parametersare guaranteed overa current rangeofmAto1mA and0Vupto 40V collector-base voltage,
ensuring superior performancein nearlyall applications. guarantee long term stabilityof matching parameters,
internal clamp diodes have been added acrossthe emitter-
base junctionof each transistor. These prevent degradation
dueto reverse biased emitter currentÐthe most common
causeof field failuresin matched devices.The parasiticiso-
lation junction formedbythe diodes also clampsthe sub-
strate regiontothe most negative emitterto ensure com-
plete isolation between devices.
The LM194and LM394will providea considerable improve-
mentin performance inmost applications requiringa closely
matched transistor pair.In many cases, trimmingcanbe
eliminated entirely, improving reliability and decreasing
costs. Additionally,thelow noise and high gain makethis
device attractive even where matchingisnot critical.
The LM194and LM394/LM394B/LM394Care availablein isolated header 6-lead TO-5 metalcan package. The
LM394/LM394B/LM394Care availableinan 8-pin plastic
dual-in-line package. The LM194is identicaltothe LM394
exceptfor tighter electrical specificationsand wider temper-
ature range.
Features Emitter-base voltage matchedto50mV Offset voltagedrift less than0.1 mV/§C Current gain (hFE) matchedto2% Common-mode rejection ratio greater than120dB Parameters guaranteed over1mAto1 mA collector
current Extremelylow noise Superior logging characteristics comparedto
conventional pairs Plug-in replacementfor presently available devices
Typical Applications
LowCost Accurate Square Root Circuit
IOUTe 10b5.010VIN
Low Cost Accurate SquaringCircuit
IOUTe 10b6 (VIN)2
*Trim forfullscaleaccuracy
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.