LM393DR ,Dual, General Purpose Differential ComparatorSupport & ReferenceProduct Order Tools &TechnicalCommunityDesignFolder Now Documents SoftwareLM193, ..
LM393DR. ,Dual, General Purpose Differential ComparatorFeatures 3 DescriptionThese devices consist of two independent voltage1• Single-Supply or Dual Supp ..
LM393DR2 ,Low Offset Voltage Dual ComparatorsMaximum ratings applied to the device are individual stress limitvalues (not normal operating condi ..
LM393DR2. ,Low Offset Voltage Dual ComparatorsMAXIMUM RATINGSRating Symbol Value UnitPower Supply Voltage V +36 or ±18 VdcCCInput Differential Vo ..
LM393DRG3 ,Dual Differential Comparator 8-SOIC 0 to 70Support & ReferenceProduct Order Tools &TechnicalCommunityDesignFolder Now Documents SoftwareLM193, ..
LM393DRG4 ,Dual Differential Comparator 8-SOIC 0 to 70Features. 1• Removed Ordering Information table....... 3• Added ESD warning.... 15Copyright 1979–2 ..
LMX2336UTM ,2.0 GHz /1.2 GHz PLLatinum Low Power Dual Frequency Synthesizer for RF Personal Communicationsapplications requiring two RFn 2.7V to 5.5V operationphase-locked loops.n Selectable Synchronous or ..
LMX2337M ,PLLatinum⑩ Dual Frequency Synthesizer for RF Personal CommunicationsBlock DiagramDS012332-1®TRI-STATE is a registered trademark of National Semiconductor Corporation.F ..
LMX2346SLBX ,2.0 GHz PLLatinum Frequency Synthesizer for RF Personal CommunicationsPin DescriptionsPin NumberPin Name 16-Pin 16-Pin I/O Description I/O Circuit ConfigurationCSP TSSOP ..
LMX2347TM ,2.5 GHz PLLatinum Frequency Synthesizer for RF Personal CommunicationsFeaturesn RF operation up to 2.5 GHzThe LMX2346/7 are high performance frequency synthesiz-ers with ..
LMX2350TMX ,2.5 GHz/550 MHz PLLatinum Fractional N RF / Integer N IF Dual Low Power Frequency SynthesizerPin DescriptionsPin No. Pin No. Pin Name I/O Descriptionfor CSP forPackage TSSOPpackage24 1 OUT0 O ..
LMX2353SLBX ,PLLatinum Fractional N Single 2.5 GHz Frequency SynthesizerPin DescriptionPin No. PinI/O DescriptionNameCSP TSSOP16 1 V — Power supply for charge pump. Must b ..
LM393-LM393.-LM393DGKR-LM393DR-LM393DR.-LM393DRG3-LM393DRG4-LM393P-LM393P.-LM393PSR-LM393PSRG4-LM393PW-LM393PWLE-LM393PWR -LM393PWRG3
Dual Differential Comparator 0-DIESALE
Tools &
Support &
LM193, LM293, LM293A, LM393, LM393A, LM2903, LM2903VSLCS005Z –OCTOBER 1979–REVISED OCTOBER 2017
LM393, LM293, LM193, LM2903 Dual Differential Comparators Features Single-Supplyor Dual Supplies Wide Rangeof Supply Voltage Maximum Rating:2Vto36V Testedto30V: Non-V Devices Testedto32V: V-Suffix Devices Low Supply-Current Drain Independentof Supply
Voltage: 0.4 mA (Typical) Per Comparator Low Input Bias Current:25 nA (Typical) Low Input Offset Current:3 nA (Typical) (LM193) Low Input Offset Voltage:2 mV (Typical) Common-Mode Input Voltage Range
Includes Ground Differential Input Voltage Range Equalto
Maximum-Rated Supply Voltage: ±36V Low Output Saturation Voltage Output Compatible On Products Compliant
All Parameters Are
Noted. OnAll Other
Processing Does NotAll Parameters.
Applications DescriptionThese devices consist of two independent voltage
comparators that are designed to operate froma
single power supply overa wide rangeof voltages.
Operation from dual supplies alsois possibleas long the difference between the two suppliesis2VtoV, and VCCisat least 1.5V more positive than the
input common-mode voltage. Current drain is
independentof the supply voltage. The outputs can connected to other open-collector outputs to
achieve wired-AND relationships.
The LM193 deviceis characterized for operation from
−55°Cto +125°C. The LM293 and LM293A devices
are characterized for operation from −25°Cto +85°C.
The LM393 and LM393A devices are characterized
for operation from 0°C to 70°C. The LM2903,
LM2903V, and LM2903AV devices are characterized
for operation from −40°Cto +125°C.
Device Information(1)