LM392MX NOPB ,Low Power Operational Amplifier/Voltage Comparator 8-SOIC 0 to 70Maximum Ratings” indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. Operating Ratings ind ..
LM392N ,Low Power Operational Amplifier/Voltage ComparatorGeneral Descriptionn Pin-out is the same as both the LM358 dual op amp andThe LM392 series consists ..
LM392N. ,Low Power Operational Amplifier/Voltage ComparatorFEATURESn Eliminates need for dual power suppliesn Low output saturation voltage: 250 mV at 4 mAn A ..
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Low Power Operational Amplifier/Voltage Comparator
www.ti.com SNOSBT5D –APRIL 1998–REVISED MARCH 2013
lm392-N Low Power Operational Amplifier/Voltage Comparator
Checkfor Samples: LM392-N
1FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe lm392-N series consists of2 independent
Wide Power Supply Voltage Range building block circuits. Oneisa high gain, internally
– Single Supply: 3Vto 32V frequency compensated operational amplifier, and the
Dual Supply: ±1.5Vto ±16V otherisa precision voltage comparator. Both the
operational amplifier and the voltage comparator
• Low Supply Current Drain—Essentially have been specifically designedto operate froma
Independentof Supply Voltage: 600 μA single power supply overa wide rangeof voltages.
• Low Input Biasing Current:50 nA Both circuits have input stages which will common-
Low Input Offset Voltage:2 mV mode input downto ground when operating froma
single power supply. Operation from split power
• Low Input Offset Current:5 nA suppliesis also possible and the low power supply
• Input Common-Mode Voltage Range Includes currentis independentof the magnitudeof the supply
Ground voltage.
Differential Input Voltage Range Equalto the Application areas include transducer amplifier with
Power Supply Voltage pulse shaper, DC gain block with level detector, VCO,
• ADDITIONAL OP AMP FEATURES as well as all conventional operational amplifieror
voltage comparator circuits. Both circuits can be
– Internally Frequency Compensated foroperated directly from the standard5 VDC power
Unity Gain supply voltage usedin digital systems, and the output
– Large DC Voltage Gain: 100 dB of the comparator will interface directly with either
– Wide Bandwidth (Unity Gain):1 MHz TTLor CMOS logic.In addition, the low power drain
makes the lm392-N extremely usefulin the designof
– Large Output Voltage Swing: 0VtoV+−portable equipment.
1.5V ADDITIONAL COMPARATOR FEATURES Low Output Saturation Voltage: 250 mVat4 Output Voltage Compatible withall Types Logic Systems Dual Supplies Amp andain the Same Package Ground LM358 Dual