LM3915N-1 ,Dot/Bar Display DriverFeaturessupply as low as 3V or as high as 25V.n 3 dB/step, 30 dB rangeThe IC contains an adjustable ..
LM3916N ,Dot/Bar Display DriverFeaturesresistors. The whole display system can operate from an Fast responding electronic VU meter ..
LM3916N-1 ,Dot/Bar Display DriverFeaturesresistors. The whole display system can operate from an Fast responding electronic VU meter ..
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LM392 ,Low Power Operational Amplifier/Voltage ComparatorFeatures– Internally Frequency Compensated forUnity Gain– Large DC Voltage Gain: 100 dB– Wide Bandw ..
LM392 ,Low Power Operational Amplifier/Voltage ComparatorFeaturesYWide power supply voltage rangeThe LM392 series consists of 2 independent building blockSi ..
LMX2315TMX ,Frequency Synthesizer for RF Personal CommunicationsLMX2314/LMX2315PLLatinum1.2GHzFrequencySynthesizerforRFPersonalCommunicationsMarch1995TMLMX2314/LMX ..
LMX2316TM ,1.2 GHz PLLatinum Low Power Frequency Synthesizer for RF Personal CommunicationsApplicationscan range from 2.3V to 5.5V. The LMX2306/16/26 featureultra low current consumption; LM ..
LMX2316TMX ,1.2 GHz PLLatinum Low Power Frequency Synthesizer for RF Personal CommunicationsBlock Diagram10012701®TRI-STATE is a registered trademark of National Semiconductor Corporation.Fas ..
LMX2320 ,PLLatinum 2.0 GHz Frequency Synthesizer for RF Personal CommunicationsFeaturesYRF operation up to 2.5 GHzThe LMX2315/2320/2325’s are high performance frequen-Ycy synthes ..
LMX2320 ,PLLatinum 2.0 GHz Frequency Synthesizer for RF Personal CommunicationsLMX2315/LMX2320/LMX2325PLLatinumFrequencySynthesizerforRFPersonalCommunicationsLMX23252.5GHzLMX2320 ..
LMX2320TM ,Frequency Synthesizer for RF Personal CommunicationsFeaturesYRF operation up to 2.5 GHzThe LMX2315/2320/2325’s are high performance frequen-Ycy synthes ..
Dot/Bar Display Driver
Dot/Bar Display Driver
General DescriptionThe LM3915isa monolithic integrated circuit that senses
analog voltage levels and drivesten LEDs, LCDsor vacuum
fluorescent displays, providinga logarithmic3 dB/step ana-
log display. Onepin changesthe display froma bar graphto moving dot display. LED current driveis regulated and
programmable, eliminating the needfor current limitingre-
sistors. The whole display system can operate froma single
supplyas lowas3Voras highas 25V.
TheIC containsan adjustable voltage reference andan
accurate ten-step voltage divider. The high-impedance input
buffer accepts signals downto ground andupto within 1.5Vthe positive supply. Further,it needsno protection against
inputsof ±35V. The input buffer drives10 individual com-
parators referencedto the precision divider. Accuracyis
typically better than1 dB.
The LM3915’s3 dB/step displayis suitedfor signals with
wide dynamic range, suchas audio level, power, light inten-
sityor vibration. Audio applications include averageor peak
level indicators, power meters and RF signal strength
meters. Replacing conventional meters withan LED bar
graph resultsina faster responding, more rugged display
with high visibility that retainsthe easeof interpretationofan
analog display.
The LM3915is extremely easyto apply.A 1.2V full-scale
meter requires only one resistorin additiontotheten LEDs.
One more resistor programs the full-scale anywhere from
1.2Vto 12V independentof supply voltage. LED brightness easily controlled witha single pot.
The LM3915is very versatile. The outputs can drive LCDs,
vacuum fluorescents and incandescent bulbsas wellas
LEDsof any color. Multiple devices canbe cascadedfora
dotor bar mode display witha rangeof60or90 dB.
LM3915s can alsobe cascaded with LM3914sfora linear/
log displayor with LM3916sfor an extended-range VU
Features3 dB/step,30dB range Drives LEDs, LCDs,or vacuum fluorescents Baror dot display mode externally selectableby user Expandableto displaysof90dB Internal voltage reference from 1.2Vto 12V Operates with single supplyof3Vto 25V Inputs operate downto ground Output current programmable from1 mAto30 mA Input withstands ±35V without damageor false outputs Outputsare current regulated, open collectors Directly drives TTLor CMOS The internal 10-step divideris floating and canbe
referencedtoa wide rangeof voltages
The LM3915is ratedfor operation from 0˚Cto +70˚C. The
LM3915N-1is availableinan 18-lead molded DIP package.
February 2001