LM3909N ,LM3909 LED Flasher/Oscillatorapplications such as trigger and sawtoothandasmall3VratedpartwillbesuitableforanyLEDflashergenerato ..
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LM3909 LED Flasher/Oscillator
February 1995
LM3909 LED Flasher/Oscillator
General Description
The LM3909isa monolithic oscillator specifically designed flash Light Emitting Diodes.By usingthe timing capacitor
for voltage boost,it delivers pulsesof2or more voltstothe
LED while operatingona supplyof 1.5Vor less.The circuit inherently self-starting,and requires additionof only abat-
teryand capacitorto functionasan LED flasher.
Packagedinan 8-lead plastic mini-DIP,the LM3909willop-
erate overthe extended consumer temperature rangeof
b25§Cto a70§C.Ithas beenoptimized forlow power drain
and operation from weak batteriessothat continuous oper-
ationlife exceedsthat expected from battery rating.
Applicationis made simpleby inclusionof internal timing
resistors andan internal LED current limit resistor.As
showninthefirsttwo application circuits,the timing resis-
tors suppliedare optimizedfor nominal flashing ratesand
minimum power drainat 1.5Vand3V.
Timing capacitorswill generallybeofthe electrolytic type,
anda small 3Vratedpartwillbe suitableforany LED flasher
usinga supplyupto6V. However, when picking flash rates, shouldbe rememberedthat some electrolytics have very
broad capacitance tolerances,for example b20%to
Features Operation over one year fromoneCsize flashlightcell Bright, high current LED pulse Minimum external parts Low cost Low voltage operation, fromjust over1Vto5V Low current drain, averages under0.5mA during
batterylife Powerful;asan oscillator directly drivesan8X speaker Wide temperature range
Applications Finding flashlightsinthe dark,or locating boat mooring
floats Salesand advertising gimmicks Emergency locators,for instanceonfire extinguishers Toys and novelties Electronic applications suchas trigger and sawtooth
generators Sirenfortoyfire engine, (combined oscillator, speaker
driver) Warning indicators poweredby 1.4Vto 200V
Schematic Diagram
Typical 1.5VFlasher
Connection Diagram
Dual-In-Line Package
Order Number LM3909N
SeeNS Package Number N08E
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.