LM390 ,1-W Battery Operated Audio Power AmplifierFeaturesTV sound systemsYBattery operation YLamp driversYY1W output powerLine driversYMinimum exter ..
LM3900 ,Quad Amplifiermaximum ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)LM2900 LM3900 UNI ..
LM3900D ,Quadruple Operational Amplifiermaximum ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)LM2900 LM3900 UNI ..
LM3900DR ,Quadruple Operational Amplifiermaximum ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)LM2900 LM3900 UNI ..
LM3900M ,LM2900/LM3900/LM3301 Quad Amplifiersapplications section.b s saNote 6: These specs apply for 40§C T 85§C, unless otherwise stated.ANote ..
LM3900N ,LM2900/LM3900/LM3301 Quad AmplifiersFeaturesYWide single supply voltage 4 V to 32 VTheLM2900seriesconsistsoffourindependent,dualinput,D ..
LMX2119M ,1.9 GHz Power AmplifierLMX21191.9GHzPowerAmplifierPRELIMINARYJune1996LMX21191.9GHzPowerAmplifierGeneralDescription
LMX2119M ,1.9 GHz Power AmplifierFeaturesY aSingle 3V supply operationThe LMX2119 1.9 GHz Power Amplifier is a monolithic, inte-Y lg ..
LMX2119MX ,1.9 GHz Power AmplifierFeaturesY aSingle 3V supply operationThe LMX2119 1.9 GHz Power Amplifier is a monolithic, inte-Y lg ..
LMX2216M ,0.1 GHz to 2.0 GHz Low Noise Amplifier/Mixer for RF Personal CommunicationsFeaturesfrequencies from 0.1 GHz to 2.0 GHz. It is fabricated usingYWideband RF operation from 0.1 ..
LMX2240M ,Intermediate Frequency ReceiverFeaturesYTypical operation at 110 MHzThe LMX2240 is a monolithic, integrated intermediate fre-Y bqu ..
LMX2240MX ,Intermediate Frequency ReceiverApplicationsThe LMX2240 is intended to support single conversion re-YDigital European Cordless Tele ..
1-W Battery Operated Audio Power Amplifier
April 1995
LM390 1W Battery Operated Audio Power Amplifier
General Description
The LM390 Power Audio Amplifieris optimizedfor6V, 7.5V, operationintolow impedance loads.The gainis internal-setat20to keepthe external part count low,butthe
additionofan external resistorand capacitor between pinsand6wil increasethe gaintoany valueupto 200.The
inputsare ground referenced whilethe outputis automati-
cally biasedtoonehalfthe supply voltage.
Features Battery operation 1W output power Minimum external parts Excellent supply rejection Ground referenced input Self-centering output quiescent voltage Variable voltage gain Low distortion Fourteenpin dual-in-line package
Applications AM-FM radio amplifiers Portable tape player amplifiers IntercomsTV sound systems Lamp drivers Line drivers Ultrasonic drivers Small servo drivers Power converters
Equivalent Schematic and Connection Diagrams
Dual-In-Line Package
Order Number LM390N
SeeNS Package Number N14A
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.