LM389 ,Low-Voltage Audio Power Amplifier with NPN Transistor ArrayLM389LowVoltageAudioPowerAmplifierwithNPNTransistorArrayDecember1994LM389LowVoltageAudioPowerAmplif ..
LM389N ,LM389 Low Voltage Audio Power Amplifier with NPN Transistor ArrayLM389LowVoltageAudioPowerAmplifierwithNPNTransistorArrayDecember1994LM389LowVoltageAudioPowerAmplif ..
LM390 ,1-W Battery Operated Audio Power AmplifierFeaturesTV sound systemsYBattery operation YLamp driversYY1W output powerLine driversYMinimum exter ..
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LM3900D ,Quadruple Operational Amplifiermaximum ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)LM2900 LM3900 UNI ..
LM3900DR ,Quadruple Operational Amplifiermaximum ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)LM2900 LM3900 UNI ..
LMX1602TMX ,1.1 GHz/1.1 GHz PLLatinum Low Cost Dual Frequency SynthesizerBlock Diagram10012901®TRI-STATE is a registered trademark of National Semiconductor Corporation.MIC ..
LMX2119M ,1.9 GHz Power AmplifierLMX21191.9GHzPowerAmplifierPRELIMINARYJune1996LMX21191.9GHzPowerAmplifierGeneralDescription
LMX2119M ,1.9 GHz Power AmplifierFeaturesY aSingle 3V supply operationThe LMX2119 1.9 GHz Power Amplifier is a monolithic, inte-Y lg ..
LMX2119MX ,1.9 GHz Power AmplifierFeaturesY aSingle 3V supply operationThe LMX2119 1.9 GHz Power Amplifier is a monolithic, inte-Y lg ..
LMX2216M ,0.1 GHz to 2.0 GHz Low Noise Amplifier/Mixer for RF Personal CommunicationsFeaturesfrequencies from 0.1 GHz to 2.0 GHz. It is fabricated usingYWideband RF operation from 0.1 ..
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Low-Voltage Audio Power Amplifier with NPN Transistor Array
December 1994
LM389 Low Voltage Audio Power Amplifier
with NPN Transistor Array
General Description
The LM389is anarrayof three NPN transistorson thesame
substrate withan audio power amplifier similartothe
The amplifier inputsare ground referenced whilethe output automatically biasedto onehalfthe supply voltage.The
gainis internallysetat20to minimize external parts, butthe
additionofan external resistorand capacitor between pinsand12will increasethe gaintoany valueupto 200.
The three transistorshave high gainand excellent matching
characteristics. Theyarewell suitedtoa wide varietyofap-
plicationsinDC through VHF systems.
Amplifier Battery operation Minimum external parts Wide supply voltage range Low quiescent current drain Voltage gains from20to200 Ground referenced input Self-centering output quiescent voltage Low distortion
Transistors Operation from1 mAto25mA Frequency range fromDCto100 MHz Excellent matching
Applications AM-FM radios Portable tape recorders Intercoms Toys and games Walkie-talkies Portable phonographs Power converters
Equivalent Schematic and Connection Diagrams
Dual-In-Line Package
Order Number LM389N
SeeNS PackageNumberN18A
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.