LM3886TF ,High-Performance 68W Audio Power Amplifier with MuteLM3886 Overture Audio Power Amplifier Series High-Performance 68W Audio Power Amplifierw/MuteOctobe ..
LM3886TF/NOPB ,Overture Series: High performance 68W stereo audio power amplifier with Mute 11-TO-220 0 to 70functional description.Figure 1. Typical Audio Amplifier Application CircuitConnection DiagramTop V ..
LM3886TF/NOPB ,Overture Series: High performance 68W stereo audio power amplifier with Mute 11-TO-220 0 to 70electrical specifications under particular test conditions andspecific performance limits. This ass ..
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High-Performance 68W Audio Power Amplifier with Mute
LM3886 Overture™ Audio Power Amplifier Series
High-Performance 68W Audio Power Amplifier w/Mute
General DescriptionThe LM3886isa high-performance audio power amplifier
capableof delivering 68Wof continuous average powertoa load and 38W into 8Ω with 0.1% THD+N from
The performanceof the LM3886, utilizingits Self PeakIn-
stantaneous Temperature (˚Ke) (SPiKe™) protection cir-
cuitry, putsitina class above discrete and hybrid amplifiers providingan inherently, dynamically protected Safe Op-
erating Area (SOA).
SPiKe protection means that these
parts are completely safeguardedatthe output against ov-
ervoltage, undervoltage, overloads, including shortsto the
supplies, thermal runaway, and instantaneous temperature
The LM3886 maintainsan excellent signal-to-noise ratioof
greater than 92dB witha typical low noise floorof 2.0µV.It
exhibits extremely low THD+N valuesof 0.03%at the rated
output into the rated load over the audio spectrum, and
provides excellent linearity withan IMD (SMPTE) typical
ratingof 0.004%.
Features 68W cont. avg. output power into4Ωat VCC= ±28V 38W cont. avg. output power into8Ωat VCC= ±28V 50W cont. avg. output power into8Ωat VCC= ±35V 135W instantaneous peak output power capability Signal-to-Noise Ratio≥ 92dBAn input mute function Output protection froma shortto groundortothe
suppliesvia internal current limiting circuitry Output over-voltage protection against transients from
inductive loads Supply under-voltage protection,not allowing internal
biasingto occur when |VEE|+|VCC|≤ 12V, thus
eliminating turn-on and turn-off transients 11-lead TO-220 package Wide supply range 20V- 94V
Applications Component stereo Compact stereo Self-powered speakers Surround-sound amplifiers High-end stereo TVs
Typical Application*Optional components dependent upon specific design requirements. Refertothe External Components Description sectionfora component functional
FIGURE1. Typical Audio Amplifier Application CircuitOctober 2003