LM387AN ,LM387/LM387A Low Noise Dual PreamplifierApplicationsTL/H/7845–3TL/H/7845–4eFIGURE1.FlatGainCircuit(A 1000)VFIGURE2.NABTapeCircuitC1995Natio ..
LM387N ,LM387/LM387A Low Noise Dual Preamplifierfeatures include high gain (104 dB),YPower supply rejection 110 dBblarge output voltage swing (V 2V ..
LM3880MF-1AA ,Simple Power Sequencer with Fixed Time Delay 6-SOT-23 -40 to 125Features 3 DescriptionThe LM3880 Simple Power Supply Sequencer offers1• Qualified for Automotive Ap ..
LM3880MF-1AA/NOPB ,Simple Power Sequencer with Fixed Time Delay 6-SOT-23 -40 to 125 SNVS451K–AUGUST 2006–REVISED FEBRUARY 20165 Pin Configuration and Functions6-Pin DBVSOT-23 Package ..
LM3880MF-1AB/NOPB ,Simple Power Sequencer with Fixed Time Delay 6-SOT-23 -40 to 125Maximum Ratings... 5• Removed “Customized Timing and Sequence” section ... 13Changes from Revision ..
LM3880MF-1AE , Power Sequencer
LMX1501AM ,PLLatinumTM 1.1 GHz Frequency Synthesizer for RF Personal CommunicationsFeaturesYRF operation up to 1.1 GHzTheLMX1501AandtheLMX1511arehighperformancefre-Yquencysynthesizer ..
LMX1501AMX ,PLLatinumTM 1.1 GHz Frequency Synthesizer for RF Personal CommunicationsLMX1501A/LMX1511PLLatinum1.1GHzFrequencySynthesizerforRFPersonalCommunicationsNovember1995TMLMX1501 ..
LMX1511 ,PLLatinum 1.1 GHz Frequency Synthesizer for RF Personal CommunicationsFeaturesYRF operation up to 1.1 GHzTheLMX1501AandtheLMX1511arehighperformancefre-Yquencysynthesizer ..
LMX1511TM ,PLLatinumTM 1.1 GHz Frequency Synthesizer for RF Personal CommunicationsFeaturesYRF operation up to 1.1 GHzTheLMX1501AandtheLMX1511arehighperformancefre-Yquencysynthesizer ..
LMX1511TM ,PLLatinumTM 1.1 GHz Frequency Synthesizer for RF Personal CommunicationsLMX1501A/LMX1511PLLatinum1.1GHzFrequencySynthesizerforRFPersonalCommunicationsNovember1995TMLMX1501 ..
LMX1511TMX ,PLLatinumTM 1.1 GHz Frequency Synthesizer for RF Personal CommunicationsLMX1501A/LMX1511PLLatinum1.1GHzFrequencySynthesizerforRFPersonalCommunicationsNovember1995TMLMX1501 ..
LM387/LM387A Low Noise Dual Preamplifier
March 1987
LM387/LM387A Low Noise Dual Preamplifier
General Description
The LM387isa dual preamplifierforthe amplificationoflow
level signalsin applications requiring optimum noise per-
formance. Eachofthetwo amplifiersis completely indepen-
dent,with aninternal power supply decoupler-regulator,pro-
viding 110dB supply rejectionand60dB channel separa-
tion. Other outstanding features include high gain (104dB),
large output voltage swing (VCCb 2V)p-p,and wide power
bandwidth(75 kHz,20 Vp-p). The LM387Aisa selected
versionofthe LM387thathas lower noiseina NAB tape
circuit, andcan operateona larger supply voltage. The
LM387 operates froma single supply acrossthe wide range9Vto 30V,the LM387A operatesona supplyof9Vto
The amplifiersare internally compensatedfor gains greater
than10.The LN387, LM387Ais availableinan 8-lead dual-
in-line package. The LM387, LM387Ais biased likethe
LM381. See AN-64and AN-104.
Features Low noise 1.0mV total input noise High gain 104dB open loop Single supply operation Wide supply range LM387 9to 30V
LM387A 9to 40V Power supply rejection 110dB Large output voltage swing (VCCb 2V)p-p Wide bandwidth15 MHz unity gain Power bandwidth75 kHz,20 Vp-p Internally compensated Short circuit protected Performance similarto LM381
Schematic and Connection Diagrams
Dual-In-Line Package
Order Number LM387NorLM387AN
SeeNS Package Number N08E
Typical Applications
FIGURE1.Flat Gain Circuit(AVe 1000) TL/H/7845–4
FIGURE 2.NAB TapeCircuit
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.